Anne Frank Exhibit in NYC; White Collar Scandal In East New York; The Great Migration; Joy Oladokun's New Album

A photo album and scrapbook belonging to Anne Frank.

For the first time, an exhibit reconstructing the hiding place where Anne Frank and her family evaded Nazi persecution is on view in New York.  Ronald Leopold, executive director of the Anne Frank House, discusses the importance of Frank's story, and how it resonates today.

A new book posits that the roots of the rise in crime in East New York, Brooklyn, can be linked directly to a subprime mortgage scandal decades earlier. Author Stacy Horn discusses her new book, The Killing Fields of East New York: The First Subprime Mortgage Scandal, a White-Collar Crime Spree, and the Collapse of an American Neighborhood.

"This Black History Month, PBS is airing a four-part documentary on The Great Migration, hosted by Dr. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. The first part of "Great Migrations: A People on the Move" aired last night, and directors Julia Marchesi and Nailah Ife Sims discuss the series and how the Great Migration continues to play out in our cities today.

When Joy Oladokun was 10 in a rural town in Arizona, a video of Tracy Chapman inspired her to learn guitar. Now, the singer-songwriter has released her fifth studio album, Observations From A Crowded Room. Oladokun joins us for a Listening Party ahead of her show at Irving Plaza tomorrow at 7.

This episode is guest-hosted by Tiffany Hanssen.