Are the poor being pushed out by urban renewal?

Demonstrators participating in the Poor People's March at Lafayette Park and on Connecticut Avenue, Washington, D.C.

The focus of this episode of Community Action is on the urban renewal project on Manhattan's Upper West Side. Ted Thackrey, Public Affairs Director for the Community Council, talks to Dr. Hazel McCalley, Vice President of Greenleigh Associates Inc.; Alice M. Brophy, Coordinator for Social Services on the Housing and Development Board; and Reverend Henry J. Browne, founder and President of the Stryckers Bay Neighborhood Council.

The speakers agree that urban renewal and slum clearance prioritizes real estate value over the native community. The main goal of urban renewal should be to rehouse the poor. Plans should be finalized long before any action is taken and should be considered on a neighborhood basis. Those who are being affected must organize to have their voices heard by the government and real estate developers.

Community Action is a weekly health and welfare report produced by the Community Council of New York City.

Audio courtesy of the NYC Municipal Archives WNYC Collection

WNYC archives id: 150947
Municipal archives id: T1259