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After a week of very serious politics, it's time to decompress, unplug, and enjoy the weekend! Rossilynne Skena Culgan, Things to Do Editor at Time Out, discusses the best activities happening this weekend in New York City as listeners call to share their plans.
Brian Lehrer: Brian Lehrer on WNYC. I think it's safe to state that it's been quite the heavy news week with the election and lots of other things, but never fear the weekend is here. Many of you may even be enjoying the start of a three-day weekend thanks to Veterans Day falling on a Friday this year. To end the week here on the show, let's shift gears, turn away from the news a little bit and get into that top-of-the-weekend mindset where you might be looking for a great way to go out and have some fun, but where and what to do?
Well, joining us now is a guest who has come loaded with lots of suggestions for you. She is Rossilynne Culgan who has the awesome job title of Things to Do Editor at Time Out New York. Rossilynne, it's great to have you. I can't wait to share some of these great things on your list and welcome to WNYC.
Rossilynne Culgan: Thank you. It's great to be here and happy Friday.
Brian Lehrer: Listeners, are you looking for something to do this weekend? You can call in and ask Rossilynne for a personalized Time Out New York recommendation or you can also share your own recommendations with us of things that you know are going on in our area this weekend. 212-433-WNYC, 212-433-9692 or tweet them @BrianLehrer. Rossilynne, let's dive right in because lots of folks could use some laughs right about now. You've got a whole array of comedy events on your list for this weekend. Let's go down some of those starting with the New York Comedy Festival, which began Monday and continues for the weekend. What are some shows people might want to see that are part of that?
Rossilynne Culgan: My goodness, we all need a laugh this weekend, so New York Comedy Festival is here to deliver. They have shows going on all weekend, and you can check those out at their website. You can get a long list. One thing that I have bookmarked on mine is a panel, this is happening on Sunday, and it's called Get Heard in Comedy. It's by a group called The Laughter Collective, and it's all about amplifying underrepresented comedians, which I think is super important.
Brian Lehrer: You've got another one like that called Diversity Hire, which is not part of the New York Comedy Festival. That's a whole separate thing, right?
Rossilynne Culgan: I believe they might actually be part of it this year.
Brian Lehrer: Oh, sorry.
Rossilynne Culgan: This show sounds like a ton of fun. The person who's running it reached out to me to tell me about it. It's going to be, what they say, coming together to look like a classic college brochure. It sounds like a blast. This one is in Astoria, and they have some great folks on the lineup. There's going to be comedians who appeared on Netflix, Comedy Central, HBO, and more. If you miss it this month, that's okay. I know it's just tonight, so it's short notice, but they are going to be doing this every second and fourth Friday, I believe, of the month with a new lineup each week. There's lots of fun to be had there.
Brian Lehrer: That's a funny promo line, coming together to look like a classic college brochure. In other words, every college brochure comes now looking like the pinnacle of diversity, and everybody's happy with everybody else. Right?
Rossilynne Culgan: Exactly. If only America really looked like that, that would be great.
Brian Lehrer: That's right. Another one is called Schtick A Pole In It. What is Schtick A Pole In It?
Rossilynne Culgan: This is a little bit different, but believe it or not good comedy can work very seamlessly with pole dancing. Each time they do this show, they come up with a different theme. This year, this week, excuse me, it's Rage Against the Machine music, so get ready to rock. It's definitely a full-brain experience. There's laughter and then, honestly, these dancers are so amazing. You'll see those two different types of art combine.
Brian Lehrer: Cool. Where is that? Where does that take place?
Rossilynne Culgan: Let me grab the address for you. This is going to be--
Brian Lehrer: I know that Diversity Hire is in Astoria, and people can search just that term, and you'll find it or go on Time Out's website. Do you have Schtick A Pole In It?
Rossilynne Culgan: I do. That is going to be on Avenue A, so Alphabet City area.
Brian Lehrer: All right. Another one, Cuba Libre. Every Friday night at the Brooklyn Boathouse. What happens at Cuba Libre?
Rossilynne Culgan: Exactly. This is a fun one because it's BYOB, but they also have beer, seltzer and non-alcoholic beverages available for a donation. You can check out their weekly lineup. It changes week to week, but they've always got some great local talent. It's a really cool venue on the shore of the Gowanus canal, and it is free, so that's another perk about the show as well.
Brian Lehrer: That's a good one. Here's one that I would love to see sometime called Transplants Comedy Show, comedians not originally from New York City. What's the confection there? What's the idea?
Rossilynne Culgan: This one's on my list too. I haven't gotten to get there yet, but it is also in Astoria on Friday nights. As the name suggests, so yes, as you said, it's folks who aren't from here, but they're telling their best jokes and stories about NYC, which sounds like a delight, and also their hometowns as well. Maybe ribbing a little bit on where they're from, as well as where they're living now. There's stand-up work, and then also they'll be interacting with the crowd, so get prepared for that. It should be a good time.
Brian Lehrer: Do you know if that one winds up with many immigrants from other countries who make fun of their hometowns from all over the world because, of course, the first thing that comes to mind is, "Oh, gosh. All these people from Peoria who are cultural refugees to New York City." Right?
Rossilynne Culgan: That is a great question. I'm not sure about that one, but there is another comedy show called Immigrant Comedy Jam, where it definitely focuses more on that. I wrote about that one recently. That show just happened, but it happens pretty regularly, so you can check out that one too. Then there's another comedy show that I wrote about recently called Holi Cow, that's H-O-L-I, and this is specifically Indian comedians. That one also has some pretty cool lineups. They sold out their last show, so if you're interested in that one, make sure you get tickets for next month soon.
Brian Lehrer: Sounds good. One more from your comedy list, Cherry on Top Comedy.
Rossilynne Culgan: This is a really fun one as well. I would say it is a treat, and it is at Ample Hills Gowanus scoop shop. It's on the rooftop. It's got a lineup that's heavily female, queer, and non-binary, and it's on select Fridays. What I love as well as the comedy is that there's pizza and ice cream available for purchase at the show, so it makes it even more of a delightful evening.
Brian Lehrer: If you're just joining us, Rossilynne Culgan is with us who has the awesome job title of Things to Do Editor at Time Out New York, and she's sharing things to do this three-day weekend. 212-433-WNYC. If you want to ask her about any category of things to do, or if you want to share one of your own that you would like to invite more people to participate in or just recommend, 212-433-WNYC, 433-9692 or tweet @BrianLehrer. We'll get to some of yours folks in a minute, but we've just focused on Rossilynne's comedy list so far. Moving on from comedy shows, there are various exhibits this weekend that you've listed in Time Out. One is called, I'll Have What She's Having: The Jewish Deli.
Rossilynne Culgan: I got to check out this exhibit yesterday. We got a sneak peek, and it opens as of today. I absolutely loved it. I left the exhibit feeling really hungry. I really wanted some pickles, some rye bread, knish, my goodness. It's a really fun exhibit. In addition to being really fun, it's also really meaningful. It's looking at the immigrant experience of how the Jewish deli has played a huge role in culture in New York and beyond.
All is looking at that through the lens of food, which is totally fascinating. Also, one of my favorite things if you're a fan of the TV show The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, they have some costumes from the show, which was so cool because the deli plays a big role in that show, if you have seen it, and if you haven't add that to your list of things to do this weekend as well.
Brian Lehrer: Absolutely. We should say that's at the New-York Historical Society Museum and Library, opens today and runs through April, or at least April 2nd according to what you published. All right. We're going to go from the Jewish deli at the New York Historical Society to hip hop history month in the Bronx.
Rossilynne Culgan: Universal Hip Hop Museum is currently under construction. That should be opened in 2024 at Bronx Point, but in the meantime, they have a pop-up exhibit that you can check out. November is hip-hop history month, so it's a perfect time to check out this exhibit. It's called Revolution of Hip Hop. It basically looks at what's the golden era of hip hop, so this period from 1986 to 1990. You can take this interactive journey through history. They've got artifacts, multimedia and some virtual technologies. You can check that out at Bronx Terminal Market.
Brian Lehrer: Let's take a phone call from Joan on the Upper West Side who's going to recommend a comedy show? Hi, Joan.
Joan: Hi, the best one in New York is the most extraordinary man called Mike Birbiglia and he is a phenomenal storyteller and extraordinary comedian and he's at the Vivian Beaumont Theater and it is a not to miss.
Brian Lehrer: Thank you very much. Have you seen that one? Have you seen Mike Birbiglia on Broadway?
Rossilynne Culgan: I have not seen him in person. I've certainly heard him and I agree, he is amazing. That's a really good one. I'm so glad you added that to the list.
Brian Lehrer: Cassandra in Brooklyn has something different for us I think. Hi, Cassandra, you're on WNYC.
Cassandra: Hi. How are you?
Brian Lehrer: Good.
Cassandra: I actually organized this event, it's called Brooklyn Cranks Giving and it is a scavenger hunt bike ride with ridles and checkpoints and you take pictures and do fun little activities around the borough. Money is raised to go towards community food access project in central Brooklyn. That is this Sunday starting at 12 o'clock at Principles coffee shop in Gowanus.
Brian Lehrer: Cool. Very good and for a cause.
Rossilynne Culgan: What an amazing--
Cassandra: It's great. It's the seventh year and there's one that's structured similarly that's taking place in the Bronx tomorrow and ours is on Sunday.
Brian Lehrer: Crank's Giving. Now that's not a reference to some of our callers.
Cassandra: It's the bicycle crank combined with thanksgiving because the ride always takes place around Thanksgiving. It actually started in Manhattan about 22 years ago and we're not sure if the Manhattan ride is going to happen this year, but the Bronx is tomorrow and Brooklyn is on Sunday.
Brian Lehrer: That is awesome. Thank you for sharing it with us. Did you want to say something about that, Rossilynne? Go ahead.
Rossilynne Culgan: That just sounds so fun. I would love to see that myself one of these years.
Brian Lehrer: It reminds me that another one of your articles currently on Time Out is alternative things to do on Black Friday, the Friday of Thanksgiving weekend other than shop.
Rossilynne Culgan: Indeed. Shopping is great. Don't want to deny that but I personally prefer to get outside, to do something a little more fun, to make some memories with your family that aren't just waiting in line at Macy's.
Brian Lehrer: All right. Let's see. You have one or two from that? Should we save toward the end? Go ahead, do that now if you have it.
Rossilynne Culgan: Let's do it. One of the things that I love is ice skating and I think it's pretty fun for all ages. Little kids love it even if they need a little help to get around the rink but there's so many great ice skating rinks in New York City. I got to visit the Wollman Rink this year and it's so beautiful. They've even got some extra special things this year with their food and drink. That's a fun one. I'm going to try to add to my list this year. You may have to wait in line but it's worth it in my opinion.
Brian Lehrer: All right. Very cool. Right back to your list of exhibits around this weekend. Another one is Frida Kahlo, The Life of an Icon.
Rossilynne Culgan: I checked this one out I guess last month. What's interesting about this one, there's a lot of immersive exhibits as I'm sure you and all the listeners know. Immersive is just the hot word this year but this one's different because it's actually a biography of Frida Kahlo. It's looking at her life, her history and how her art interacted with the time that she lived in.
You'll learn a ton about her. It's also really beautiful of course. Her art is just amazing but it's not really as focused on her art in particular as, for example, the Monet immersive or the Gustav Klimt immersive. Do be prepared for that. A great learning experience.
Brian Lehrer: Through November 27th. Yeisha in Brooklyn. You're on WNYC. Hi, Yeisha.
Yeisha: Hi, there. I've called a few times. Thank you so much for taking my call. Quick two things. One is that there is going to be a children's book fair at the Brooklyn Museum on Sunday. It's from 11-4 and there's going to be all Brooklyn Children's illustrators and authors there. It's a very family-friendly, very fun event. I don't work for them. I actually work for the Brooklyn Public Library. On Saturday, there's going to be an event, an astronaut-related story time in the direct center at the Central Library in Brooklyn on Saturday at one o'clock.
Brian Lehrer: Astronaut story time tomorrow, Brooklyn Public Library, and Sunday, the Children's Book Festival at the Brooklyn Museum.
Yeisha: Yes. Thank you so much.
Brian Lehrer: Thank you so much. All right, let's stay in Brooklyn and talk to Susan in Park Slope. Hi, Susan.
Susan: Hi, I'm calling to recommend a chamber music series that will be sponsoring a performance on Sunday at three o'clock at St. John's Church in Park Slope. They're doing the music of Mozart, Paganini, Dvořák, and Paul Salerni. The name of the series is Concerts on the Slope and you can find more information about it at concertsontheslope.org.
Brian Lehrer: Thank you very much. It's so nice Rossilynne that there are things like that and there are other things like that around the city. Classical music venues that aren't Carnegie Hall or aren't Lincoln Center where you can go for relatively little money and see something like a chamber group. They're often great for classical music fans.
Rossilynne Culgan: Absolutely. I wish I could clone myself to be at all of these events at once because we have an embarrassment of riches this weekend of things to do.
Brian Lehrer: Arsen in Forest Hills has a question about one of the comedy events that you mentioned. Hi, Arson. You're on WNYC?
Arsen: Hi, Brian. A long-time listener. First-time caller, sustaining member. I am a standup comedian and was very interested in her talking about the immigrant Comedy Jam. I'm an immigrant and funny stories NYC, I have plenty. How do I participate? Not just watch.
Rossilynne Culgan: Great question. Immigrant Comedy Jam, it happens at Caveat so definitely reach out to Caveat they should be able to help you get in touch with the person who runs the show. I would start there and hopefully, you're able to make something happen. I'd love to see you on the stage.
Arsen: I would love to be. Caveat, I'm a terrible speller. How would you spell Caveat? Is it caveat.com? Where do I go?
Rossilynne Culgan: It is caveat.nyc. That's a great.
Arsen: Caveat.nyc?
Rossilynne Culgan: Yes.
Brian Lehrer: How do you spell your name, Arsen? Some people may hear your name and think, is he named after setting fire to places?
Arsen: I know. It's an A-one felony. It's Arsen. Like Arsenio, it means virile in Latin.
Brian Lehrer: We will look for you on stage. Thank you for checking in with us. Before we run out of time, there are some things on your list in Time Out New York's things to do this weekend that aren't exactly traditional exhibits and entertainment. One is pétanque at Carreau Club. Will you tell us about pétanque?
Rossilynne Culgan: Pétanque is new to America I would say but becoming more popular. It's a bochy-like game but it's the French version. This has been going on for a little while outdoors, the Carreau Club but now they've added an indoor location as well. Just in time for this cold rainy weather, you can go inside and play some pétanque. Don't worry they'll teach you how to play. There's also a bar. You can also get food. It's a nice way to spend the afternoon.
Brian Lehrer: Another one in that category is Act and Sip. Act how and sip what?
Rossilynne Culgan: Act and Sip has been on my list. I would love to get out there at some point. It's like paint and sip but it's more of acting and sip. You've got some beer and then you will participate in a workshop with some expert theater instructors. They will pair you off with partners and give you some words to a scene of a well-known New York sitcom or movie.
Then they'll give you tips along the way to get over your stage fright and discover your inner actor. It's really fun whether you're just looking for something to do or you need a work outing, a bachelor at party, your friend's in town. No experience necessary. Obviously, you do have to be 21 for this one.
Brian Lehrer: Fun. Things to do if you want to just observe arts and culture, history and stuff or if you want to participate from Rossilynne Culgan who has the awesome job title of Things to Do Editor at Time Out New York, all that stuff happening this weekend. Thank you so much. This was great fun.
Rossilynne Culgan: Thank you so much. Enjoy the weekend
Brian Lehrer: Have a great three-day weekend everyone. Brian Lehrer on WNYC and once again, happy Veteran's Day to all the vets out there.
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