Daniel P. Moynihan

Daniel Patrick Moynihan, candidate for City Council President, at the 34th St. Armory, September 14, 1965.

This episode is from the WNYC archives. It may contain language which is no longer politically or socially appropriate.

Daniel P. Moynihan addresses the Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies, meeting of the Advisory Committee of Group Work and Youth Services

Discussion of youth unemployment, with some focus directed towards Negro youth. Moynihan notes that economists have identified a trend of fewer entry level jobs. He cites statistics illustrating a declining teenage work force, starting with the Depression. In the next five years the number of Negro Americans going into the workforce will increase by 20%. Current unemployment in the US is 5.2%, adult males 3.9 %, teenage males 14.5%, for teenage Negro males it was 23% and teenage Negro females was 31%.

He goes on to discuss the decline of manufacturing jobs in New York City.

Moynihan talks about the poverty program being started in Washington which plots the relationship between employment, earnings, family structure, and social health. He also speaks about the correlation between amount of children and poverty level.

He discusses family structure and "traditional" versus substitute arrangements. Moynihan describes many social problems facing families and the lack of aid programs which adequately meet these needs.

Questions and answers follow.

Audio courtesy of the NYC Municipal Archives WNYC Collection

WNYC archives id: 37309
Municipal archives id: T998