De Blasio on Verge of Victory With PBA Deal

Mayor de Blasio takes off topic questions after a press event in

Mayor Bill de Blasio would not comment directly on a possible contract for NYPD officers on Tuesday, saying the arbitration process was still ongoing, but he gave a nod of support to a draft agreement being circulated by the head of the state arbitration panel. 

On Monday, the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association had already issued a statement calling the draft agreement "outrageous."

In three of the past four contract negotiations, the PBA has secured bigger raises by going through binding arbitration.

This draft agreement could signal a victory for de Blasio, since it includes raises on par with other contracts secured by his administration.

"What I've said all along is I believe in the pattern set for our uniform services is fair and obviously the vast majority of the uniformed unions and their members thought it was fair because they voted for it," de Blasio said.

A final agreement is expected next week.