Ed Ingles - Sports Dir. WCBS-AM

Ed Ingles initially talks about his shift from UPI to CBS. He likens his job to that of a news director but without the unpleasant elements. Dick Pyatt asks him about how he goes about introducing a new sport to the audience. They then spend time discussing the change in women's role in sports, girls playing on boys teams, and what girls and women get from sports that will help them compete with men in the job market. Girls and horse racing comes up and Ingles suggests women may be better as jockeys and taking care of horses than men.
The second half of the interview is spent largely on discussing violence on the part of fans in ball parks and soccer stadiums. Ingles is against beer night promotions. He suggests that some of the violence may stem from Watergate in that the tarnished image of America's leadership has lead some people to think they can do what they want, when they want.
WNYC archives id: 46203