Fighting for a Multiethnic World Decades After Loving v. Virginia

Ken Tanabe, founder and director of The Loving Day Project, discusses the anniversary of the Loving v. Virginia Supreme Court decision, eliminated laws against interracial marriage, and how the landmark decision influences his foundation’s mission.
Tanabe spoke about the purpose of the Loving Day Celebration, which takes place on June 11 in New York City, is to discuss the issues that still affect interracial couples.
"I think we can all agree that the issue of racial identity and racial discrimination has not bee resolved yet," he said. "What we're really trying to do is build a new tradition. We think this is important because let's say 6.9 percent of the U.S. is multiracial, according to PEW Research, and 10 percent of all households are interracial or multi-ethnic, and yet there's no acknowledgment of his community and its experience."