Flushing Meadows Corona Park, Queens Dedication Ceremonies

( JonathanRe/Wikipedia )
Robert Moses, World's Fair President hosts the dedication of Corona Park in Flushing Meadows at the Singer Bowl Arena. After the conclusion of the 1964 World's Fair, Moses turned the park over, the second largest park in the city's history.
He invites the following speakers to the microphone: Chairman of the Executive Committee of the World's Fair Thomas J. Deegan Jr.; Queens Borough President Mario J. Cariello; Parks Commissioner August Heckscher and Lt. Governor Malcolm Wilson. At the last minute, Mary Anne Harrison Lindsay, wife of Mayor John V. Lindsay, arrives to express thanks and excuse his absence. "He's got some garbage problems," she jokes about the sanitation strike.
The speakers each take turns lavishing hyperbolic praise on Robert Moses. According to Heckscher, "Mr. Moses, I notice, has called this park the fairest garden to be created since the garden of Eden. If this is true, and who am I to dispute Mr. Moses, my great predecessor as park's commissioner. Then, if it is true, Mr. Moses has led us right into the promise land. Thus being able to do better than his great namesake who could lead people to only within a distant view."
Wilson asserts that Moses, "foresaw it all from the first day he visited this place - which was then known by the unattractive, but very graphically descriptive name of the Corona Dumps - and was presided over by a man with a colorful and imposing name of Fish Hooks McCarthy. And I suggest it took a man of the unique genius of Bob Moses to transform a smoldering refuse pile into a sylvan retreat for the people of the City of New York to enjoy."
Monsignor John J. Gorman delivers the invocation, a blessing is delivered by Rabbi Malcolm H. Stern, and the benediction is delivered by Dr. Ralph W. Sockman.
During the first half of the recording, a WNYC announcer describes the event and marvels at all of the recreational activities the park will provide. He comments on which buildings remain from the previous World Fair, such as the New York City Pavilion, now the Queens Museum. The Sanitation Department Band provides the music.
Noise from passing Airplanes frequently interrupt the speakers.
Audio courtesy of the NYC Municipal Archives WNYC Collection
WNYC archives id: 150483
Municipal archives id: T2640
This is a machine-generated transcript. Text is unformatted and may contain errors.
But. Good morning from the singer Bono arena at Flushing Meadows Corona Park your city station W. When wise see brings you the dedication ceremonies for this new park which will take place in just a few moments among the dignitaries our lieutenant governor Malcolm Wilson Mayor John V. Lindsay the Queens Borough President Mary O. J. Carey yellow are going to share August hechsher and the former mayor Robert F. Wagner. The man presiding at the ceremonies here at the singer Bono arena is Robert Moses the New York World's Fair president will preside over the occasion which marks the transfer of this land from the world for corporation to the New York City Department. In a box around its lease sanitation department band performing for the audience accumulated here at the singer Bono arena to repeat some of the state and city dignitaries President will be lieutenant governor Malcolm Wilson Mayor John Lindsay Queensboro President Mario Jay Carney I know the parks commissioner August hechsher and former Mayor Robert F. Wagner will participate in the ceremonies being held in the arena and musical the event of cars in the background as you can hear the sanitation department but. This new park which contains complete facilities for active sports competition and passive recreation is a result of a joint effort by the New York World for cooperation and the Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority with the cooperation of the city Department of Parks according to borrow President Kerry out of Queen's we quote It will be believed first true family park in the very center of the city with leisure and recreational facilities for all members of the family. And this being the site of the World's Fair of the nine hundred thirty nine is one of those late they're held in sixty four sixty five. Very generously a number of the a lot of hisses have remained intact and for example they top of the Fair which was. What a show stopper as well as the U.S. but that in also. On the premises the top of the fair contains a restaurant and a cocktail fording a panoramic view of the park from a height of one hundred and twenty feet and it will be open to reopen actually at a later date they park department of course the US put in which many many of us enjoyed this building is now under the jurisdiction of the park department legislation sponsored by the interested people in Queens and the World's Fair nine hundred fifty four city fuckup aeration to permit the use of the pavilion as a Windsor art museum was passed by the legislature and signed by the governor the commissioner of parks has indicated that a thorough study of the matter should be made before any further action is taken however in all likelihood the United States but it will be converted into the queen's Art Museum located right here at the Flushing Meadows Corona bar the other theater itself where. We are broadcasting from contains an open air auditorium with a seating capacity of eighty two hundred people and a public swimming pool which is seventy five two hundred thirty feet with month three meters and one meter judging boards house the seventy's and lockers for some two thousand people that is the F. a theater actually the arena is an open air auditorium with a seating capacity of fourteen thousand person suitable for sports public meetings and cultural events. Another show stopper during the fair itself was the Hall of Science and Space Bar the city of New York's Science Museum contained in a cathedral like structure is the nucleus of a future science center to be erected on twenty one acres of land in Flushing Meadows Corona Park its exhibits the picked orbital space flight then harnessing of atomic power for peaceful use like space park is co-sponsored by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration they Department of Defense and the Air Force and it includes the most imposing a ray of full scale. United States rocket sense spacecraft ever assembled anywhere outside of Cape Kennedy. Were awaiting the arrival of the dignitaries for the start of the ceremony the dedication ceremony for the conversion of the World's Fair aside to the Flushing Meadows Corona Park. It's a beautiful day. The meteorologist on duty says it will be hovering around ninety it isn't quite that as yet here. Is a lovely comforting breeze in the arena a lot of people milling about filling up gradually it holds fourteen thousand people these singer bowl of arena and. It's a delightful day and a delightful event for the borough of Queens and of course the borough president of Queens Mario Jake will be here as one of the dignitaries partaking in the ceremony. The units there which is the was actually the theme structure of the sixty four sixty five World's Fair was presented by United States Steel and dedicated to peace through understanding these fear represents the earth as it appears from six thousand miles in space. There's a boat house and this is located on the east shore of meadow lake and social facilities for food refreshments and rental of cattle and row boats. They park planting this is the large trees throughout the park most of them planted for the thirty nine forty fair have been supplemented by plantings for the sixty four sixty five Fair and also post fair restoration programs by approximately five thousand major trees seven hundred mana trays and thirty five thousand shrubs. In addition some two hundred thirty five thousand cubic yards of topsoil have been planted to provide for the tree planting and to make the two hundred sixty acres of lawn in evidence today. It's going to be a family day campuses what a unique set of. An enormous amount of acreage. Beautifully landscaped and just dedicated to being well looked after is going to be not just a showstopper for people residing in the area or they borrow a phrase but of course for all New Yorkers and I imagine eventually this will become a tourist attraction this is the site of two major events in this century the thirty nine forty fair and sixty four sixty five World's Fair and it's being held on to being dedicated as a park as a Tivoli as as a place that the entire family can come and enjoy a beautiful day such as today and also only of fall and winter is going to be a place to come to ice skate and. Do some skiing and. Tobogganing a lot of things a lot of events a lot of offerings a lot of a lot of important facilities here at the Flushing Meadows Corona Park which will be dedicated very very shortly presided over by the president of the New York World's Fair Committee Robert Moses. There are some other highlights. We. Played. Another wave two to the air we continue to have to advise you that some of the other facilities available at this park are football and soccer fields there are two at Lawrence Street and one south of the SUV. Also want only a west shore line of middle lake and also one adjacent to sixty nine through these are football and soccer fields available here. Also a baseball diamond in fact there are a couple of baseball diamonds one of Lauren St one near the zoo here and there are five more on the east side of Willow Lake. But of course we have show you study abroad here this is going to be one of the really important places to to come in on a beautiful day Shea Stadium a ball game a doubleheader of the New York Mets or the football team the New York Jets and taking part in all the facilities available here at the park there are some softball diamonds there are two and Lauren street one near the sea it was well to just adjacent to sixteen throwed two on the west side of meadow lake and sixty four thousand new that is the sixty for the be pedestrian overpass. The benches to talk to relax on call forces a golf course a pigeon Club Golf course of eighteen holes located just east of the subway entrance in the park it is they will pull into a subway station of the Flushing line. For those whose game is budgie and there are two budgie carts located near the heck should children's farm. And Ball carts for nearly Henry Hudson engines. Of a hundred eleven straight. Horseshoe and pitching current still in the playground west of meadow lake there's a model airplane field located on the east side of little lake there's a marina and a world family in a located in Flushing Bay with a restaurant and facilities for eight hundred boats. Plus But estrie and civil pads fountains floral displays and botanical gardens and of course the zoo is an important part of this entire Flushing Meadows Corona Park which is the queen zoo covering some fourteen acres between Grand Central Parkway and the top of the fair it is designed for the display of North American animals in their natural habitat. In place of restrictive bars or cages modes and hidden enclosures will ensure security while giving the illusion of freedom for the species show. It will be opened early next year. Queens who is scheduled to be open. They children's farm this is as part of the suit development here but separated by an appropriate entranceway the children's farm covers a three and a half acres and will feature a barn yard with a barn stricken rabbits plus a merry go. Only. And also an insect exhibit. And this too will be open the school. And the bar will we jointly Bronx and Brooklyn for seven hundred. Would sleep with the clinical gardens located between Main Street and Lawrence Frey will have continuous displays of flowers and flowering shrubs and trees including spring flowering bulbs roses flowing from apples and oranges over two hundred varieties of the gentry summer. In addition lectures and displays of cut flowers will be held regular late in the garden administration building. There is a bigger street and. Two and a half mile long but history and a block RAM is the lake with an additional seven and one half miles up it is free and walks in the park system. There is something which many of you enjoyed walking around the foreseeable. Because their pool which is three hundred feet to. Reach through ninety six vertical nozzles sprays the articulate filter for goods. Like water. It is getting warm we're seated right smack in the middle of the singer. And it's getting up there I don't know exactly. What the temperature is right now but it's moving up according to the projected high the Weather Bureau it's coming along very nicely and we should have paid a ninety degree temperature very very shortly. That is if it feels that way right here a smack in the middle of singer Bowl. There are some eleven fountains. Seven have been kept there were eleven that is this part of the World's Fair seven of these fountains have been kept and modified to comply with the New York City electrical code requirements and these two are on display at the not open as yet they will be very very shortly. You mentioned quite a few. Be available. Such. As you can hear behind me something. You can hear plane very easily. A more traditional transportation to this park in a car that is Grand Central Parkway or they long expressway or they then why can express way all lead to this brand new park subway is just as easy in fact it's probably a whole lot less headachy to get here by subway you simply take the flushing hierarchy line to what it's ball and which is the shade stadium station and there you are you just walk up the ramp and you're in this. Beautiful well manicured exciting place that the entire family can enjoy. Is that at. We might mention of this time it's been about fifteen minutes since we took the air and some of you may have joined us late so we might tell you that these ceremonies are being broadcast by your city station of anyone why see a an eight thirty on your dial. For those of you who might be wondering where is teenage book talaga Let's go to class well these programs can be heard on our F.M. channel ninety three point nine on your F.M. dial that's ninety three point nine is your F.N. setting for let's go to class which got under rather teenage book talk was sort of the ten thirty this morning and let's go to class which will commence at eleven o'clock until eleven thirty and if the ceremony is a start pretty soon in all likelihood the program called Young American artists which is on at eleven thirty will also be carried only on our F.M. channel just like he three point nine which means that I got. To go away and. Remember the city building the. New York City building which had witches as matter of fact was where the only one was it was broadcasting from during the fair but also the area around the New York City building which has been retained in fact the very same building that you saw in sixty four sixty five here the fire. Was intact from the thirty nine forty fair they said the building contains a year round ice skating rink operated by the park department plus a giant model of New York City representative exhibits from the museums in New York City replicas of the Westinghouse time capsule that is buried in the park a motion picture of the victim the saga Flushing Meadows and an illuminated the split of arterial highways operated by the driver Oh Bridge and Tunnel Authority. The New York State pavilion features twin observation tower is displayed gallery and cylindrical movie theater directly beneath the video's multi-colored tent roof is a large open side of the auditorium suitable for concerts and other cultural gatherings. New York state covers they are also floored. The area of the part. That is the area was actually one thousand two hundred fifty eight acres of which only six hundred and forty six acres were used for the New York sixty four sixty five World's Fair However they entire area will repeat as a thousand two hundred fifty eight acres and that is all that I correct as they use for the usually a form for cold late Flushing Meadows Corona Park and how do you get here well it's mounted Grand Central Park way. Like expressway Warren Street Union turnpike flushing day and a hundred eleven street and get here by taking the flushing subway and flushing the empty subway line and it's. Direct ride of about. Twenty minutes I believe that's about all it is the twenty minutes from love Grand Central Station. You get all that when it's buoyant. Love that will take a brief pause Will it now and perhaps we can pick up leaves on a patient apartment and then listen to some of life's music. The the. The the. Late mayor is expected very shortly and will be starting the proceedings it might be a few minutes before the mayor arrives. The New York World's Fair president Robert Moses will preside over the occasion which marks the transfer of this line from the World's Fair corporations to the New York City Department of Parks state and city dignitaries including Lieutenant Governor Malcolm Wilson Mayor John Lindsay Queens borough president Mary Jo Jay Carney yellow parks commissioner August hechsher and a former mayor Robert F. My dear you know you. Well it appears that the ceremony will be starting very shortly you say for this event is being provided by the New York City Department of Sanitation banned this new park which contains complete facilities for active sports competition and passive recreation is the result of a joint effort by the New York World's Fair co-operation and the Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority with the cooperation of the city Department of Parks August hechsher commissioner according to the Borough President Kerry yellow and we quote here it will they leave very first time. On the very first true family park in the very center of the city with leisure and recreational facilities for all members of the family they Flushing Meadows and Corona Park formulaically slight of the thirty nine forty and the sixty four sixty five New York World's Fair. Way My graciously mention of this time that in addition to it being carried by radio this event is being covered by New York City's own television channel that's thirty one channel thirty one the cameras a hair from the ANYONE WANNA SEE T.V. and it is being broadcast like no over Channel thirty one U.H.F.. We'd like to remind our audience. That if you were planning to listen to a program produced by these college in cooperation with your city station called Let's go to class it will be heard on our F.M. channel on two three point nine let's go to class eleven o'clock over F.N. three point nine on your F.M. dial while the ceremonies are being broadcast body when Y.C. am eight thirty on your dial. Your name David. You please run on the national anthem. The Star-Spangled Banner will be sung by Miss Martha right accompanied by the Department of Sanitation band. Well over the say and you lose. Me. What. Was the. Levy who's brought strives on. Really was it was. It was Lucy. Louise Story. Her Dowie it was it was. Was. Still was that the. Homeowner. Please remain standing for the invocation. In the case then were began by Monsignor John J. Gorman Let us pray. Places become and out with qualities by virtue of what happened there. Even more by the kind of people. Even more by the kind of people who come to them. An atmosphere of pleasing nature has become part of the scene before us because of our recent wonderful World's Fair. Interest and cheerful enjoyment and the minds and hearts of thousands of people have left a mark here that now promises to be made permanent by this ceremony that designates this area beautified as it has been to relics ation and to play. We humbly ask God to bless this plan. To abide for the people of this city a haven of beauty and an opportunity for play. Me way we may well thank God for the endowed men who so wondrously designed the improvement of this land. And soul generously serve the interests of our people. May almighty God find an all of their endeavors a true sign of genuine love of God. A genuine love of man for his neighbor. And authentic assurance of future cooperation and the sharing of good things. Our prayer is a joyous one. That God bless each of us Amen. It is now my pleasure and privilege to turn the program over to the man whose vision determination and perseverance has made it possible for all of us to be here today the Honorable Robert Moses Thank you know I should like to present as the first speaker my friend and associate chairman of the Executive Committee of the World's Fair Tom Dagon. Thank you. Bob Moses Governor Wilson council president O'Connor. Distinguished guests on the day yes and in the audience. The great writer of sea stories Joseph Conrad once said the mind of May and is capable of anything because everything is in it for all of us gathered here today The New York World's Fair of one nine hundred sixty four nine hundred sixty five was a living proof of that statement. As a matter of both record and pride there was a moment when the fair was only an idea in the minds of a handful of men when they gathered at the City Club in the fall of one nine hundred fifty eight. Their capacity for fulfilling that idea was to be only as great as their capacity for action they knew that nothing as important as a World's Fair merely happens instead it grows our fair New York grew by outcome of a long series of contributions all made by men who are both lovers of New York and lovers of the long shot some man like former mayor Robert Wagner made a double contribution the city's blessing and also twenty four million dollars of city funds for a permanent park improvements other men like David Rockefeller made contributions of foresight and insight and perhaps most important of all early approval. Still others three presidents of the United States included. Made gifts of translation. The kind necessary when the language of thought is translated to the language of action. But I don't explains how New York World's Fair began Now what about its ending. If there is any one reason why the fair was a success or any one reason why it did help to create peace through understanding I think it is this. The fair was an experiment in people. It was a social invention powered by the kinetic energy of imagination effort and fraternity. To bring about understanding. Only the social invention can do that. The other inventions of man which use steam fire electricity mostly produce things of comfort or convenience but we are now in a day when social inventions are needed not to make things work but to make things better. That is what the World's Fair was all about people trying to make things better. Just as human life is too valuable to be wasted by war or poverty so also are human achievements too valuable to be lost by indifference. Today your board of directors your executive committee and the members of the New York World's Fair corporation are turning this park back to the city of New York. We are here then not to talk of past glory but to ensure a future progress although New York's World's Fair is a memory the land on which it was held is still a reality and because opportunity is the base metal of reality New York is both privileged and obligated to make the best use of this land now made ready by the magnificent and of my colleague and our president says. It is now planned as a place of leisure as an area of recreation. The city is great not by what it is or even by what it does it is great because of what a day or ZZ. And this park is one of the great adventures that New York is now daring to do thank you. Next speaker will be the president of the borough of Queens. Barrio carry along thank you. Thank you Bob Moses lieutenant governor Malcolm Wilson a good friend of the bar of Queens and reverend clergy of all face that I'm very happy to see here Commissioner hechsher president of the council Frank O'Connor Tom Dagon and I many other distinguished state and city officials gathered here and very fine officials of the welfare Corp and are a very fine assemblage of distinguished people in the audience and citizens of the city of New York. Today as we gather to dedicate this great new park we are witnesses to a dream come true. A dream that took three decades to realize and cost nearly a quarter of a billion dollars including the massive network of roadways which feed these beautiful twelve hundred fifty eight acres. We in Queens are joyous in having Flushing Meadows Corona Park in our barrel and as we served as host to two World's Fairs here we accept gladly our whole of host role of holes to the city's millions who will flock here to use the multitude of facilities at this moment as this fine park passes from the World's Fair corporation into the hands of the New York City Parks Department it is altogether fitting that we gratefully salute the man who more than any other individual has made it all possible Robert Moses thank you. Thank you the results of his vision and the time a nation are evident around us today. It was back in the planning stages for the nineteen thirty nine forty World's Fair that Bob Moses then commissioner of the city of New York. Gave to the idea of a great family on the face site the very center of the city of New York. Fortunately lack of funds stalled his dream. When he assume the presidency of the nineteen sixty four sixty five World's Fair system was a stablished a post fair must at this time his original plans be carried out he was firmly supported in this resolve by Mayor Robert F. way and with all modestly I am find full that I have been able to play a small role in helping bring about this undertaking. My Linsey to is to be commended for continuing the commitments necessary to bring Flushing Meadows Corona pop into reality and I am certain as I have already discussed with the mission ahead action that we will continue to cooperate and collaborate to continue the improvement of this park in other ways when we get the funds from the Board of us to my Mr Mayor and all rather city officials may on behalf of the millions who will enjoy the surroundings employ you to reject the ideas of some fool would swallow up these valuable acres with a gaudy noisy functionalize Olympic type park every conceivable and reasonable facility for family and joy meant already is provided within these beautifully landscaped grounds and then the Aqua Tade meadow lake and marine area areas and all those we have been encouraged by your most recent pronouncement mailing. That harks awful people and we urge you to cling to this kind of thinking in determining future policies affecting this part let Flushing Meadows Corona pop remain in the media and in fact Robert Moses dream come true thank you thank you. The chair now recognizes August tech short commissioner parks. Thank you. Mr Moses reverend clergy distinguished guests my fellow New Yorkers this is an important day for all of us New Yorkers it is especially important for those of us who are concerned with the parks of New York with its open places with the outdoor delights it offers to people of all kinds and ages the valley of ashes of former year the valley of ashes which one stretched across this site has become the green place which surrounds and extends beyond this place where we are it has come about this transformation by the combination of circumstances and by the efforts of many men Mr Moses I notice has called at this park the fairest garden to have been created since the Garden of Eden if this is true and who am I to dispute Mr Moses my great great assessor is Parks Commission then if it is true Mr Moses has let us right into the Promised Land first being able to do better than his great namesake who could lead people only to within a distant view. I cannot but think ladies and gentlemen I cannot but think on this day of my own grandfather he loved the parks of New York he loved the children of the great city the Children's Zoo here in Flushing Meadow is being made possible through a grant from the Foundation which he established for the children's sake one occasion now and then my grandfather could be used to be persuaded to give Mr Moses a park and it seems a strange turn of fate that today it is Mr Moses that is giving a park to me that I as a representative for the time being of the parks department should be receiving into my keeping this beautiful addition to the green Empire of the city. We have spoken here of the past of this park of the men and the horses that have made it what it is it is right surely that we should think also about its future we shall preserve what is has been given to us what is being solemnized as a gift in a few moments by a ceremony of the changing of flags we shall keep it and preserve it this built up land encircled by the facilities and structures of the growing Baro of Queens the lakes and Bay Shore buildings reminiscent of to welfare but we shall crown it with a creation shaped to the needs of this and of latent decades a sports park for people to come for from all parts of the city. To come from all parts of the city for active sport for recreation for enjoyment of the arts too for amazement at the wonders of science we must not however think only of a remote future or a future that may begin to unfold in a year or two we must think of this day and of the days to come it is my business to see that from now on beginning tomorrow Flushing Meadow Park shall be filled with activities and with pleasure we shall make the place hum. Well let's say that the airplanes will make the place hum. We we shall make it seem with many different kinds of music through this summer there will be swimming bicycle basketball tournament folk dancing ice skating roller skating a great just a great scout jam Boree swimming pitching and popping you name it and I think that we should be able to show that your show you that we haven't nor shall we forget those who are less fortunate than ourselves I am glad to be able to say that with the cooperation of a national foundation we shall run a day camp here for mentally retarded children the first of its kind ever run by our city and so ladies and gentlemen I pledge myself I pledge to the Department of Parks to make Flushing Meadows Corona Park a place that all New Yorkers and the people of Queens especially But oh New Yorkers can take pride in and delight thank you very much thank you thank you. Blessings be pronounced by Rabbi Malcolm age. Who are the creator of the soul where ever we are truly dark there but somehow surrounded by the green sward. In the park. Where we can become aware of the changing patterns of the seasons. We discover the a new and so we are grateful for this Flushing Meadows Corona Park. For the vision which has brought it into being. For the opportunity it affords our citizenry for rest for recreation. Made those who come here. Go forth. Refreshed in body and spirit. Then truly will this part be a source of blessing. And each of us. Who makes it a bit of us. Who becomes a better citizen and a better human being. And each of us becomes a better citizen in a better human being for having enjoyed. Its beauty and its opportunity will truly go for. Less. But I take the greatest personal pleasure. In presenting as the next speaker. The lieutenant governor of New we all always been a constant and steadfast friend and inspiration in this and many other public enterprises Malcolm Wilson. Commission of ours is. Remembers the clergy. Council President Frank O'Connor for president Verio Kerio and other officials of the city and the borough. My colleagues from Albany the senators and assemblymen who are here all the distinguished guests ladies and gentlemen. I've heard it said that. To discover the two genius of a man you look not along to the big things but to the small things. That I cite as a small thing further demonstrating the genius of Bob Moses the physical arrangements of today. Which have the sun behind the backs of you men and women who have been good enough to come here today. While the sun shines in the eyes of those of us who are going to speak. This on lends itself to a preprogramed. I'm delighted of course to be here to represent the state of New York. At these ceremonies. The state of New York is not a stranger to this site. Building which was constructed by the state in one thousand nine hundred thirty nine for the one nine hundred thirty nine forty World's Fair is still in use by the city of New York as a skating arena and for other purposes. And the state took a very keen and active interest in the one nine hundred sixty four sixty five World's Fair which so recently graced this site the state is proud of its participation in the fair of the pavilion which it built and which became one of the fairs greatest attractions and it became so in large part because of the magnificent co-operation which we received from Mr mouse's and all identified with the World's Fair corporation and with the executives of all of the other pavilions here at the World's Fair specifically our near neighbor of the Vatican pavilion and I'm very pleased to be able to announce here today ladies and gentlemen that the New York State Pavilion in accordance with the request of the city. And at the specific request and with the effective intercession of borough president Barry O. carry Elo as been prepared for permanent use and is being transferred to the city of New York and to Commissioner a hechsher in the proper parks within the next few days. It will stand for many years in this park providing rest and recreation for the citizens of the entire city and especially the citizens of the great and growing county of Queens. Ladies and gentlemen this park which is being turned over to the city today and all the highways leading to it and the buildings left after the fair has ended were all conceived some time ago in the mind of Commissioner Moses. How long ago that was I can't really say. But I venture to suggest that he foresaw it all from the first day he visited this place which was then known by the unattractive but very graphically descriptive name of the corona dumps. And was presided over by a man with the colorful and imposing name of fishhooks McCarthy. And I suggested took a man of the unique genius of Bob Moses to transform a small gathering refuse pile into a Silvan retreat for the people of the city of New York to enjoy. It took the kind of a man who possessed the vision to anticipate the people's needs whether they be bridges and highways to accommodate their travel scenic parkways to delight their eyes. Beaches and recreational areas to restore their spirits or locks and dams to harness power to serve their needs. So we meet here today to open a park which is beautiful and educational and useful as a monument to Bob Moses through him a credit to the people of Queens and the city and the state of New York but I would observe two ladies and gentlemen that it is a monument in a very special way to the architects the imagination of the architects and of the engineers. And especially to the skilled workmen whose expertise transformed those plans into what we saw during the fair and what we see today and I say that New York City indeed is fortunate to have such a fine reservoir of skilled labor which can produce such as we see today and so on behalf of. The eighteen million people of the state. I bring greetings and good wishes to all who have made this park a reality to wallows who will come here in the future to enjoy its beauty and facilities and finally I reserve my thanks for those without whose understanding and support neither this nor any other project be it in this city or elsewhere in the state or indeed in the nation would be possible because when all is said and done what we see here and what we see any place in terms of a public project is because of the patience and the understanding and the willingness to support which is evidenced by the tax payers because of the taxpayers who do all of this some are grateful of them. I will say benediction will be pronounced by. Leading member of our executive committee of the World's Fair Doctoroff. Almighty and Eternal Father. Grateful for the achievements already made here. We now would commit this place. To it I continued guidance. May this which has been a place of peace to understanding become a place of peace through association. And may those who play here learn to live and work together to establish the values of beauty and truth and goodness strengthen the things that unite and weaken the things that divide. God grant peace to this embattled world. And the Lord bless you and keep you the Lord because face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you. The Lord to lift up the light of his countenance upon you. And give you peace. Now and whatever more. Bombing. You Please be seated for the changing of the flag. At. Least slightly go the New York World's Fair has just been lowered. Into just a moment leafletting of the city of New York will be raised over the Flushing Meadows Corona art this is mainly dedication ceremonies for this park resided over by Robert Moses lead president of the New York World's Fair. The touch. The to. Cut. Cut. Cut. Cut. Cut. Cut cut. Cut. Cut. Cut. Ladies and gentlemen this concludes is the shuttle buses which you can take for a door of the. Sand stadium you can go out either side and around like. This was brought to you by your city station of the public interest we now return you to. Just a moment may we just move Yes this is John D. Lindsay was just a rug the mayor unfortunately was detained and could not make it himself and I said what I heard him say I thought that I had gotten here about five minutes before the ceremonies would end to express my husband's apologies for missing this very exciting important event but as you well know he's got some garbage problems. And they're having an emergency meeting right now at Gracie Mansion to try to solve them therefore I came out as fast as I could to try to help represent him but I've been fascinated to know that this is not going to be a passive part it's going to be an action part and I know all of you are very anxious to get into the action and so I hope that we'll all have a marvelous time here together today and all of us will for many many many years to come from ashes to action is a very exciting thing thank you for letting me have a house. That was good very charming if there is one if this is Mary Lizzie Mrs John didn't save you. From losing at Flushing Meadows Corona Park We'll return you to our W. when you want to see studios.