Flushing Meadows Corona Park, Queens Dedication Ceremonies

View of the New York State Pavilion and the Unisphere located at Flushing Meadows Corona Park, Queens, New York City, USA

Robert Moses, World's Fair President hosts the dedication of Corona Park in Flushing Meadows at the Singer Bowl Arena. After the conclusion of the 1964 World's Fair, Moses turned the park over, the second largest park in the city's history.

He invites the following speakers to the microphone: Chairman of the Executive Committee of the World's Fair Thomas J. Deegan Jr.; Queens Borough President Mario J. Cariello; Parks Commissioner August Heckscher and Lt. Governor Malcolm Wilson. At the last minute, Mary Anne Harrison Lindsay, wife of Mayor John V. Lindsay, arrives to express thanks and excuse his absence. "He's got some garbage problems," she jokes about the sanitation strike.

The speakers each take turns lavishing hyperbolic praise on Robert Moses. According to Heckscher, "Mr. Moses, I notice, has called this park the fairest garden to be created since the garden of Eden. If this is true, and who am I to dispute Mr. Moses, my great predecessor as park's commissioner. Then, if it is true, Mr. Moses has led us right into the promise land. Thus being able to do better than his great namesake who could lead people to only within a distant view."

Wilson asserts that Moses, "foresaw it all from the first day he visited this place - which was then known by the unattractive, but very graphically descriptive name of the Corona Dumps - and was presided over by a man with a colorful and imposing name of Fish Hooks McCarthy. And I suggest it took a man of the unique genius of Bob Moses to transform a smoldering refuse pile into a sylvan retreat for the people of the City of New York to enjoy."

Monsignor John J. Gorman delivers the invocation, a blessing is delivered by Rabbi Malcolm H. Stern, and the benediction is delivered by Dr. Ralph W. Sockman.

During the first half of the recording, a WNYC announcer describes the event and marvels at all of the recreational activities the park will provide. He comments on which buildings remain from the previous World Fair, such as the New York City Pavilion, now the Queens Museum. The Sanitation Department Band provides the music.

Noise from passing Airplanes frequently interrupt the speakers.

Audio courtesy of the NYC Municipal Archives WNYC Collection

WNYC archives id: 150483
Municipal archives id: T2640