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New Standards

How to Celebrate the Year of the Rooster with the Songbook


This weekend is the Chinese New Year when we welcome back the Year of the Rooster!

Rooster Lyrics:

"I Want To Go Back To Michigan" - by Irving Berlin from 1914

  • I miss the rooster, The one that useter wake me up at four AM

"I Hate Men" - By Cole Porter from Kiss Me Kate

  • Though roosters they, I will not play the hen!

"I Got Out of Bed on the Right Side" - By Johnny Mercer and Arthur Schwartz from Dangerous When Wet

  • I sing up to wet with the rooster , i'm booster of the rooster, but he doesn't throw like a useter, cause i have to handle my own way.

Rhyming Rooster

Two of the songs above rhymed Rooster with "usester." Usester is not an acceptable scrabble play, but Berlin and Mercer used it anyway. Here are some other acceptable rhymes for aspiring lyricists: 

  • Booster
  • Schuster
  • Wooster
  • Introduced her
  • Reduced her
  • Seduced her
  • Goosed her
  • Sewster

Who's a Rooster?

According to Chinese astrology, the year of one's birth sign is the an unlucky year. It is advised that Roosters should be very careful in 2017. Look up to see if you are a Rooster like these Songbook figures:

Nina Simone 

Carmen Miranda

Carmen Miranda

Carol Channing