Imminent Danger Ep 1: One Doctor and a Trail of Injured Women

Episode 1: Wrongful Death In 2016, Amy Lam was at an exciting time in her life. She’d recently graduated from Columbia journalism school and was expecting her second child. But then tragedy struck. Shortly after giving birth at home, she was brought to Harlem Hospital where medical records show she bled to death under the care of several physicians. One of those doctors was Dr. Thomas J. Byrne, an OB-GYN with a concerning track record that spans more than three decades. In 1990, New York health officials declared Byrne an “imminent danger” to the public and stripped him of his medical license. And yet, Byrne is still seeing patients today. How does a doctor with a documented track record of medical negligence continue practicing for so long? Reporter Karen Shakerdge, along with WNYC’s investigative editor Christopher Werth, examine who’s responsible for ensuring patient safety. This series was supported by the Pulitzer Center. Illustration by Golden Cosmos