JFK Skycaps Settle Wage Case for Nearly $1 Million

Jeffrey Young, a skycap at JFK Terminal One, spoke at the settlement announcement alongside Attorney General Eric Schneiderman and Public Advocate Leticia James

A group of Kennedy Airport workers will receive $925,000 after a settlement was reached in a minimum-wage lawsuit.

Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said skycaps working at Terminal One were paid as little as $3.90 an hour by Alstate Maintenance. The state minimum wage ranged between $7.15 and $8.00 during the years covered by the lawsuit.

“This was wage theft, pure and simple,” said Schneiderman at Wednesday's announcement. “Nobody who works 40 hours a week should have to live in poverty."

Alstate will also begin paying their employees $9 an hour. 

Jeffrey Young has worked at JFK tagging and handling luggage since 2005, and is one of the nearly 40 skycaps who will be receiving back pay and damages.

“We’re here because we earned it,” said Young. “A lot of [workers] in JFK, LaGuardia, and Newark airports are all getting underpaid and nobody is standing up for it because everybody is afraid.”

Though skycaps sometimes receive tips, Alstate Maintenance did not apply for the tip credit that would have allowed them to pay their workers a lower wage. Even if they had applied, the wages they doled out were still lower than the legal minimum wage for tipped workers.

“This is really the tip of the iceberg,” said Rob Hill, a vice president at 32BJ, the union which first brought the case to the Attorney General’s attention. “The system where the airlines are low-bidding all the contracts and who pays the least gets to work has created a system where the airport, instead of being a hub of good jobs, has now become a Lower East Side sweatshop.”