Joseph R. McCarthy, A Speech Against Harry S. Truman

( Wikimedia Commons / Hulton Archive )
Truman, McCarthy claims, has been popularizing "McCarthyism," a term coined by the Communist Party paper The Daily Worker, as a derogatory label for the senator's attempt to rid the State Department and other federal institutions of Soviet spies. (In fact, most historians credit the cartoonist Herblock with inventing the word.)
McCarthy suggests another entry in the political lexicon: "Trumanism," which he defines as "the placing of your political party above the interests of the country." He then goes on to accuse Truman of protecting the accused Soviet spy Harry Dexter White, a high-ranking US Treasury official who died of a heart attack in 1948.
He details Truman's shifting series of excuses for not acting on intelligence reports that White was passing information on to the Soviets. McCarthy's voice drips with sarcasm as he cites evidence from J. Edgar Hoover "a man whose truthfulness has not even been questioned by the Communist Party." In the end, he interprets Truman blaming of "McCarthyism" for hounding White to death, as another way of saying, "Isn't that nasty McCarthy an awful man?" He then broadens his attack, envisioning America engaged in a war that was declared by Lenin in 1914. Recently 180 million people were under the yoke of communism. Now the figure has risen to 800 million. He blames "fuzzy-minded liberals" for refusing to confront the danger head-on.
Philip Quarles wrote this description for Annotations: The NEH Preservation Project. See the full article at http://www.wnyc.org/story/birth-mccarthyism/
Audio courtesy of the NYC Municipal Archives WNYC Collection
WNYC archives id: 151018
Municipal archives id: LT2634
This is a machine-generated transcript. Text is unformatted and may contain errors.
From New York City you're about to hear an address by Joseph McCarthy United States senator from Wisconsin and chairman of the United States Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. Senator McCarthy. Doing fellow Americans last Monday night a former president of the United States while attempting to explain away his promotion of the Communist. Made a completely untruthful attack upon me tonight I shall spend very little time on Harry Truman he is of no more importance than any other defeated politician Truman ism whoever becomes an issue in so far as it is embraced by the Democratic Party now the other night Truman defined what he called McCarthyism The definition was identical word for word comma for comma with a definition adopted by the communist Daily Worker which originated the term McCarthyism And yesterday yesterday the national committee of the Communist Party you should have one thousand word statement condemning attorney general Brownell and lauding Truman for his attack upon me this statement by the Communist Party was signed by William Z. Foster national chairman of the Communist Party Elizabeth Gurley flan and Pettus Perrier all three of whom have been indicted for Communist conspiracy against this country I am sure they will not applaud my speech tonight Truman ism can perhaps best be defined as the placing of your political party above the interests of the country regardless of how much the country is damaged thereby it is the theory that no matter how great the wrong it is right if it helps your political party. Trueman ism also in effect says to the head of a household if you catch your criminal losing your safe kidnapping your children and attacking your wife do not dare turn the spotlight on him do not get rough with him do not call the police because if you do the criminal will have you arrested for disturbing the peace. Now as to Mr Truman speech the other night but is very briefly examine the unusual series of statements made by him explaining his promotion and retention of a communist spy spent statement number one after Attorney General Bromell first revealed the fact that Truman had promoted and man known as an espionage agent. The first newspaper report quoted Truman as saying he had never read any of the derogatory material about white state but number two when Truman was confronted with the fact that the F.B.I. report had been placed in these hands then he was quoted as saying that he fired white as soon as he discovered White was disloyal statement number three and then later when confronted with the fact that White had not been fired Truman answered White was fired by resignation I just thought that me and I frankly don't know next Truman was confronted with a lot of over his own signature commending this communist spy in the most glowing terms and let me quote here's what he said here's Harry Truman speaking he says I am confident Mr White that in your new position you will add distinction to your already distinguished career state but number five. Truman finally came up with the excuse that while he had read the F.B.I. report which brand of white has a spy that he kept quiet on and promoted him to a higher job to help the F.B.I. in its investigation of a spy ring as to this one I'd like to call upon the testimony of ginger Hoover a man whose truthfulness has not even been questioned by the Communist Party believe it or not and Page one thirty six of the hearings Here's what Judge Hoover's. He says that no time was the F.B.I. a party to an agreement to promote Harry Dexter White and at no time did the F.B.I. give its approval to such an agreement such an agreement on the part of the F.B.I. would have been inconceivable Well there you have it what happened after having been caught five times Red Hen Truman comes up with the granddaddy of them all here's what he says he says all but all McCarthy's fault he says all the fault of McCarthyism And isn't that nasty McCarthy an awful man and my good friends there's no reason there's no reason on earth why this fight to expose and remove communists and traitors in positions of power should be a contest between America's two party certainly the millions of loyal American Democrats love America just as much they hate and despise Communist trying to raise just as much as Republicans do certainly there's no division along party lines among the mothers and fathers in what is one hundred forty thousand Korean casualties whose miseries come to them from the trickery trials of an administration whose foreign policy was all carefully shape but they all share has they have a Dexter White studio in LA Moore's The Dean Acheson those the John Carter events. We should keep in mind that as of tonight as of tonight we are engaged in a war which was declared in one thousand fourteen my lemon repeatedly reaffirmed by Joe Stalin and approved two and a half weeks ago by high officials of the Kremlin It is the communist war against free man and when that first communist declaration of war was made one hundred five years ago you could number the active come in as leaders on the fingers of both hands at the time Truman became president a number of people under communist domination was one hundred eighty million during his term as president the figure increased from one hundred and eighty million people to eight hundred million people this represents my good friends are good as victory of any brutality Tarion dictatorship since time first commenced to run Why is it because communist slavery is more attractive than the clean fresh air of freedom certainly not then why the pattern of communist conquest has been the same in every country over which the Stygian blackness coming as night has the sun always first the infiltration of key posts and government by communist traitors and then the creeping paralysis of fear to speak out an expose of traitors this fear has been engendered and nurtured not only by the Communists but also by the phony deluded. Fuzzy minded liberals in whose book it is a mortal sin ever to expose our criticize a communist course of course is perfectly proper for a Communist to scream lies and vituperation at anyone who wants the Communist cause thus my good friends the picture has been a hungry Czechoslovakia Rumania and every other nation taken over by the black death of communism thus the picture has been in our country also. In connection with communist infiltration of our government let me give you if I may very briefly another case in which Truman intervene on behalf of a communist agent on April thirteenth one thousand and fifty George Shaw. Been working for the United States government in Europe deserted to the Communist cause at that time he denounced what he called and I quote The got stop all methods of the United States he stated that he was going to stand proudly with the Soviet regime who were then disappeared behind the Iron Curtain and what does Truman have to do with this as early as one nine hundred forty four the civil service commission loyalty board had found Wheeler disloyal because of communist Nessman objectivity most of these dates if you will and I told her for a one nine hundred forty four Harry Truman candidate for vice president ruled a three page letter to the Civil Service Commission denouncing the commission in the strongest language for having ordered the dismissal of wheeler that is in one thousand nine hundred four in October of one nine hundred forty five Harry Truman was president the Civil Service Commission then reversed itself and ordered a reinstate. And of course you know Wheeler is now behind the Iron Curtain having admitted that he was an espionage agent and I add to this add to this the picture of glass or silver master Oman Kaplan and all the rest Nam F.B.I. reports as communists communists were kept in high positions of power are with access to vital secrets by the Truman administration and you have some small portion of the sordid picture my fellow Americans there's nothing accidental about this picture is a pattern of deliberate communist infiltration impossible you say Yes unbelievable Yes but there you have it is all a matter of coal record and the most amazing and disturbing thing about this incredibly unbelievable picture is that as the danger of this nation is slowly and laboriously exposed instead of an admission of guilt or stupidity he politicians from coast to coast join the chorus of the communist Daily Worker and shout oh isn't this McCarthyism an awful thing isn't it terrible to dig these comments. Now how many American young men have died and how many will die because of stupidity blame some trees and no no lever No but what answer do we get when it is exposed. The leader of the Democrat Party Harry Truman in the most intemperate language condemns attorney general Brownell for giving the American people the facts he then of course proceeds to demo Carthy drawing very heavily upon his repertoire of dirty names because I took some part in the exposure of the communist infiltration of his administration. I would not be concerned about what a discredited politician has to say except his leadership on the coming as issue is being followed by so many Democrats I would like to briefly review some of the work of our committee this may furnish a key to the bitterness of the Truman Democrats and I emphasize Truman Democrats toward my work which they prefer to call McCarthyism Now for a glance at a few excerpts from the testimony before our committee on November one thousand nine hundred fifty three we were investigating communist infiltration and potential espionage and sabotage in the huge General Electric plant its defense officials freely stated that if enemy agents were to sabotage the General Electric facilities it would deal a crippling blow to our defense attempts the first what does before the committee Henry arch Deacon the question Mr Archdeacon where you engaged in espionage over the past few weeks this question was asked less than a week answer I declined to answer that question on the basis that it might tend to incriminate me when I asked him as a matter of fact you have been giving to the communist party complete detailed information on everything going on at the general electric plants is that correct answer I decline to answer on the basis of the Fifth Amendment question just one further question if we were to have a war with Communist Russia and if the Communist Party ordered you to sabotage. To blow up the facilities at General Electric this defense plant would you disobeyed that order of the Communist Party list in this answer I decline to answer that question on the ground that my answer might tend to incriminate. Well this morning less than twelve hours ago a witness Joseph ski appeared before our committee. Had until very recently been working in the telecommunications and lab which was handling secret radar work dealing with the defense of this nation he refused under the Fifth Amendment on the grounds of self incrimination to tell whether during the last thirty days he had been engaged in the conspiracy to commit espionage. And whether during July of this year he had attempted to get people from the. Evan Signal Corps laboratory to commit espionage a few months ago we were investigating espionage in the Government Printing Office which handles secret material for every department of government that includes Army knavery Navy the Air Corps Secret Service atomic energy down the line one of the witnesses before the. Committee was Edward Ross child the F.B.I.. Had given the Truman administration detailed reports upon him and his wife reports to the effect that they were both communists that she was an important officer in the Communist Party that communist meetings were held in their home and that he had been engaged in stealing government see including secret codes from the printing office he was before our committee on August tenth of this year let me quote a few questions and answers if I may question is it a fact Mr Ross trial that you have access to secret confidential material answer yes up until today answer up until this moment Mr Senator question Are you a member of the Communist Party as of this moment. Answered under the Fifth Amendment had declined to answer the question Did you ever steal a secret code book from the Government Printing Office answer again or if you'll answer the Fifth Amendment Question Were you engaged in espionage. Against the United States August ninth nineteen fifty three answered I refuse to answer Fifth Amendment well to get rid of a communist and link secret materials of course important but it is even more important discover how it coming this could hold a job handling secrets which affected the labs and deaths of one hundred sixty million American people for ten fifteen twenty years so we went into that so we called the man on the misnamed loyalty board I think their testimony gives perhaps as clearly as any other reason why the Truman Democrat administration was crawling with communists the secretary of the loyalty board will ask the question of why they did not call witnesses whom the F.B.I. could furnish the answer Listen to this that was not our practice Mr Senator when I asked the circular little of this question Is it true that in the Rothschilds hearing you only called witnesses were suggested by Rothschild is it the usual practice to hear only the witnesses whom the accused want you to hear answer this by the chairman of the oil board Yes Mr Senator that has been the practice next question let me ask you this Does your board operate under the rule that membership on the Communist Party is not sufficient to bar work her answer that is true. My good friends this gives you so. Picture of why the communists the fellow travelers the Truman type Democrat who plays party above country scream so loudly about McCarthyism why their hatred and venom knows no bounds now a few days ago if you days ago I read the President Eisenhower expressed the hope that by election time in one thousand and fifty four the subject of communism would be a dead and forgotten issue the wrong harsh on unpleasant fact is that communism is an issue and will be an issue in one nine hundred fifty four Truman's done tribe against those. Who speak about communism not being an issue that coming ism is not isolated from the other good evils which he set us today for example when I have a Dexter White by his manipulations through the Treasury Department undermine the money system of Nationalist China when a lock on courage on the White House stationery counterman of the orders to ship vast amounts captured Germany to China to be used in their war against the communists when the communists and fellow travellers in policymaking positions sold out our friends to our enemies with the result that six hundred and twenty two million people disappeared behind the iron curtain between one thousand and forty five in one nine hundred fifty three when they were doing all of those things they were making necessary a huge tax burden upon the American people the tax burden necessary to build up our defense they were in effect signing a draft call for the hundreds of thousands of young men when called a military duty they were setting the stage for future war they were signing the death warrants of unknown numbers of America therefore my good friends. Practically every issue which we face today from high taxes to the shameful mess in Korea is an extra couple interwoven with the communist issue. Democrat office seekers from the Atlantic to the Pacific have been proclaiming that McCarthyism is the issue in this campaign and in a way I guess it is because Republican control of the sun up determines whether I shall continue as chairman of the investigating committee Therefore if the American people agree with Truman they have a chance to get rid of me as chairman of the investigating committee next fall by defeating any Republican up for election if the American people on the other hand believe in the necessity of digging up and get ridding and getting rid of the type of communists who have been before our committee if they believe as I do that trees and dishonesty and stupidity should be exposed wherever and whenever found regardless of the party label then their answer is to keep the Republicans and heart so we may continue to clean up the gene stable but let's take a look at the Republican Party unfortunately in some cases our batting average has not been too good before or looking at some of the cases in which our batting averages zero Let me make it clear that I think that the new administration is doing a job so infinitely better than the Truman and Acheson regime that there is absolutely no comparison for example the new administration in the first ten months in office has gotten rid of one thousand. Four hundred fifty six crew want to hold over who are all security risks and over ninety percent of the fourteen hundred fifty six security risks. Were gotten rid of because of communist connection to the days or perversion fourteen hundred fifty six I would say an excellent record for the time President Eisenhower has been in office and over at his glance of a few cases for we struck. For example we still have John Patton Davies on the payroll after eleven months of the Eisenhower administration and who is John Patton date John Patton Davies was number one part and parcel of the all access and a lot more than some quite his group which did so much toward delivering our Chinese friends in a communist hand Number two he was unanimously referred by the McCarran committee to the Justice Department in connection with a proposed indictment because he lied under oath about his activities in trying to put a list of this and trying to put Come in us and espionage agents in key spots in the Central Intelligence Agency a question which we ask is Why is this man still an official in our department after eleven months of Republican administration and others examine the failure of my party if we may to liquidate the fall US bankruptcy of the Democratic ministration on September twelfth one nine hundred fifty three the Chinese Communist announced that they would not treat as prisoners of war American Flyers were shot down during the Korean War over Manchuria on September tenth one nine hundred fifty three the Army announced that some nine hundred American young man known to have been prisoners of the communists in Korea were still unaccounted for unaccounted for as of tonight my good friend. Why do I bring this situation up tonight in talking about the Republican Party Republican Party did not create the situation we inherited it. But we are responsible for the proper handling of the situation as of tonight and what are we going to do about it are we going to continue to send perfume Milt's following the style of the Truman actress and regime or are we going to take the only position that an honorable nation can take namely that every uniformed American packs the pride and the honor and the power of this nation and the shoulders and millions of people in my radio and television audience tonight will recall that even in grade school your hearts beat a bit faster and you felt a great surge of pride when you heard him say that this was the land of the free in the home of the Bray but let me ask you how free our way how free are we when American aviator is fighting out of the American flag at this very moment on November twenty fourth one thousand and fifty three are being brainwashed starved are murdered behind in Iran or. How brave our weight How brave are we when we do not use all of the power of this nation to rescue those airmen and the nine hundred other military men who have been unaccounted for for months I realize of course the low ebb which are on our hands some over the past twenty years but it is time that we in the Republican Party liquidate this bloodstain blunder of the actual Truman regime we promised the American people something different it's up to us not to not next year or next month let us deliver now my good friend. How are we going to do it once a nation of allowed itself to be reduced to a state of whining whimpering appeasement that cost of regaining national honor and it is very high. But we must regain our national honor regardless of what it costs. Now I know it is easy to talk in general terms about what can be done that's peace and specific as you know we've been voting billions of dollars each year to help our allies build up their military and economic strength so that they can help in this day to day struggle between the free half of the world and the communist slave have if that money we give them is being used for that purpose then it is well spent if not then those allies are the front. How does that affect you as of today some money was taken out of your paycheck and sent to Britain as it today Britain use that money from your paycheck to pay for the shipment of the sinews of war to Red China what can we do about that we can deal a death blow to the war making power of communist China we can without firing a single shot force the communists in China Open their filthy communist dungeons and release every American we can blockade the coast of China without using a single ship a single sailor or a single gun in this connection I want to point out that Lloyd's of London now for that keeps track of shipping hurting their records they ship months to Red China. This year have increased over fifteen hundred percent over what they were last year often we can do what we do about it we can handle this by saying this to our allies if you continue to ship to Red China while they are imprisoning and torturing American man you will get not one cent of American money if we do that my good friends this trading in blood money will seize no question about that. Time is running out let me remind you that when the smokescreen of false political righteousness is raised against McCarthyism I Harry Truman or anyone else singing in the his choir of deceit. Remember that he Truman stands on his record as an individual and as a president he promoted Harry Dexter White Russian spy he fired General Douglas MacArthur one of the greatest living American. In conclusion I would like to quote as well as I can remember AM Lincoln when discussing the only way this nation could ever be destroyed set. All the armies in Europe all the army of Europe on Asia combine with all the wealth of the world their military chess with a Bonaparte for a commander in a trial of a thousand years could not place one. Foot upon the Blue Ridge Mountains could not take one drink from the Ohio River Lincoln said Whence then will danger come if this nation is to be destroyed it will be destroyed from within if it is not destroyed from within it will live for all time to come you have just heard an address by Joseph McCarthy United States senator from Wisconsin this program originated in New York City.