Last Night's Mayoral Debate: Key Takeaways From Brian Lehrer, and You

Sal Albanese and Bill de Blasio at Wednesday night's Democratic mayoral debate.

The first mayoral debate of New York City's election season was a lively, fact-filled, and at times funny ninety-minute match between Mayor Bill de Blasio and challenger Sal Albanese. The incumbent is spending $7 million on the contest. Albanese, a former city councilman, barely qualified to get on the podium in the first place. So, how'd they match up?

Among those on the panel questioning the two candidates was WNYC's Brian Lehrer, and he spoke with Richard Hake about his observations from last night.

"It was an issue-oriented debate," Brian said. "No one talked about the size of anyone's hands, or accused anyone's father of killing JFK. So, we were ahead of the game right from the start, compared to a certain race last year."

Listen above to hear Brian's full recap. Below are some of the observations listeners shared on Twitter.