Meanwhile, In Congress...

The Capitol is seen at sunup, Friday, Feb. 17, 2017.

In the tumultuous first month of the Trump administration, news consumers have been served countless stories about rifts between the White House and congressional republicans, which seem to suggest political paralysis. Consider this recent New York Times headline: “GOP's Grand Visions for Congress Now Look Like a Mirage.”

Not necessarily. It is true that big-ticket items like tax reform and the repeal of Obamacare have been stymied by divisions within the GOP. But with Trump in the spotlight, Republicans in Congress have been very busy, swiftly and quietly undoing regulations on guns, the environment, and finance. Lisa Mascaro, who covers Congress for the LA Times, talks with Bob about the range of Obama-era rules that will soon be no more. 


Nuages (Clouds) by James Carter