Jose Antonio Vargas - journalist, filmmaker, and immigration activist - discusses his MTV documentary "White People" which explores how white American millennials think about race and being white.
Did you catch the premiere on MTV last night? Call in and tell us your thoughts: 212-433-9692.
Next: @joseiswriting on his @MTV doc #WhitePeople – talking about race with white millennials. Watch the trailer: https://t.co/rtBpB36aRq
— Brian Lehrer Show (@BrianLehrer) July 23, 2015
We'd really like to hear from millennials, but anyone can call: what does it mean to be white, in America, today? 212-433-9692
— Brian Lehrer Show (@BrianLehrer) July 23, 2015
“Every hard conversation happens over a meal,” says @joseiswriting about his #WhitePeople doc, musing: “This is why food is so important…”
— Brian Lehrer Show (@BrianLehrer) July 23, 2015
Here's the site/study @joseiswriting just shouted out: http://t.co/Px78E3d8Nh
— Brian Lehrer Show (@BrianLehrer) July 23, 2015
Young white people’s ideal is to be colorblind, but 4 out of 5 white people feel uncomfortable just talking about race, says @joseiswriting.
— Brian Lehrer Show (@BrianLehrer) July 23, 2015
“Why do white people think they’re white? We constructed it, now we have to deconstruct it.” -@joseiswriting on his @MTV doc #WhitePeople
— Brian Lehrer Show (@BrianLehrer) July 23, 2015
"This definition of whiteness as the norm…can you imagine what that does, not only to people of color...but to white people?" @joseiswriting
— Brian Lehrer Show (@BrianLehrer) July 23, 2015
@BrianLehrer I'm scared to think that the concept isn't so much that "whiteness is the norm or default," but is misunderstood as "standard."
— That Betch Cray (@iwrhipsterspcs) July 23, 2015
Nolan in Queens: as a white person, I feel I’m considered the cause of a lot of problems, on a macro level. It's discouraging at times.
— Brian Lehrer Show (@BrianLehrer) July 23, 2015
@BrianLehrer I never put caucasian/white on forms as Ital/Amer I check "other" and when asked what is other, I put ital/Amer.
— Tino Giugno (@tin_giun) July 23, 2015