Gracie And Rachel: Fusing Dark And Light With Orchestral Pop

Listen to Gracie and Rachel's new song, 'Tiptoe.'

Dark and light constantly fuse, diverge and unite in Gracie and Rachel's newest single "Tiptoe" off their forthcoming debut album Go. It begins with a single haunting note - then finger-plucked violin and piano ebb and flow in a rocking orchestral rhythm.

Gracie's milky voice surfaces with shockingly autobiographical lyrics: "Blonde hair, blue eyes / Violin and black and white." Listening seems almost voyeuristic. Being privy to a moment of veiled yet deep emotion, the sparse and dramatic percussion pull you further in and shed any discomfort, allowing for complete immersion. 

The Brooklyn-based duo embodies the dual-personality of their music in all facets, including performance. At an early-evening show the other week, Gracie stood behind the keyboard in white while Rachel, adorned in all black, naturally rested her violin on her shoulder. The two play off each other not only musically but mentally. Different shades of the same emotion would appear simultaneously on their faces and flow through their instruments. A tangled and intimate connection between the two is apparent on stage and will no doubt imprint on their upcoming debut.

Grab the single on iTunes, Amazon or Spotify