Speaker Corey Johnson on Airbnb, Plastic Straws, Immigration + More
Corey Johnson, speaker of the New York City Council representing District 3, talks about issues facing the City Council -- including the Airbnb crackdown, Pablo Villavicencio's (the undocumented pizza deliveryman) release from detention, affordable housing, his (personal) support of a plastic straw ban, New York State politics (he's endorsed challengers to the IDC) and more -- plus he takes calls from listeners.
@CoreyinNYC talks about the Airbnb crackdown...he says he lives in a small walk-up building...and wouldn't feel comfortable if his neighbors were constantly renting out their apt on Airbnb. It's not fair to the other residents.
— Brian Lehrer Show (@BrianLehrer) July 25, 2018
@CoreyinNYC on whether he supports a ban on plastic straws -- he says "personally, yes." (He walks around City Council with a mason jar full of iced coffee...with a paper straw.) pic.twitter.com/oX0jBbIxQj
— Brian Lehrer Show (@BrianLehrer) July 25, 2018
Asked about ban on plastic straws and its potential impact on disabled people who need straws, @NYCSpeakerCoJo says @RLEspinal is working with advocates for a solution
— katie honan (@katie_honan) July 25, 2018
Why support challengers to the breakaway Dems when they say they're ending their breakaway status? @CoreyinNYC says, too little, too late. "We need bold, progressive Democrats."
— Brian Lehrer Show (@BrianLehrer) July 25, 2018