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The Brian Lehrer Show
#AskTheMayor; Friday Morning National Politics; The L Train Shutdown That Wasn't; Best of 2018: The Year In (Your Cell Phone) Pictures

Coming up on today's show:
- Bill de Blasio, New York City Mayor, takes calls from listeners and discusses this week in NYC.
- Jonathan Lemire, White House reporter for the Associated Press and political analyst for MSNBC/NBC News, talks about the latest national political news.
- The MTA had scheduled what it said was a necessary shutdown of the L train to repair the tunnels, then Gov. Cuomo announced plans to NOT shut down the line completely for months on end, after all. Emma Fitzsimmons, transit reporter for The New York Times, talks about what the surprise announcement means for New Yorkers.
- Daniella Zalcman, founder and director of Women Photograph, and Mallory Benedict, photo editor at National Geographic and managing director of Women Photograph, join as judges for the annual Brian Lehrer Show best photo contest.