This episode is from the WNYC archives. It may contain language which is no longer politically or socially appropriate.
Program 55. Charles Tobias, W.C. Handy, Nat Simon and others perform an "ad-lib" program.
Charles Tobias introduces Nat and Sally Simon; Sally sings her father's songs: Little Curly Hair in a High Chair (1940); Crosstown (1940); The Gaucho Serenade (1940); I Wish I Could Hide Inside This Letter; Wait for Me Mary (1942); Poinciana (1943).
Luckey Roberts plays Moonlite Cocktail (1942)
[side 2 missing]
W.C. Handy plays St. Louis Blues (1914)
Charlie Tobias performs Just a Prayer Away, a medley/montage of his work (more than a dozen selections - no one piece complete), and a new piece called "Oh Myrtle."
Audio courtesy of the NYC Municipal Archives WNYC Collection
WNYC archives id: 8343
Municipal archives id: LT6058