Unveiling of Statue of San Martin

( Instituto Nacional Sanmartiniano )
Speakers: Robert Moses; Vincent Impellitteri,.
A WNYC announcer introduces the program, the unveiling of the statue of the liberator of Argentina, Peru, and Chile, Jose de San Martin at the base of Central Park at 59th st and the newly christened Avenue of the Americans. Attendees include Mayor Impellitteri, Robert Moses (who MCs the event), dignatories from Argentina, Chile, and Peru.
Moses announces the performances of the national anthems of the 4 countries.
Moses introduces Cardinal Spellman, who offers a lengthy benediction, praising San Martin's love of God and liberty and freedom.
The ambassador from Argentina Jerónimo Remorino gives a speech (in Spanish) at the dedication of statue.
The WNYC announcer describes the unveiling of the statue and we hear a bugler perform.
Impellitteri gives a speech praising the statue and event, which serves to bind a common purpose and ideal. San Martin is compared to George Washington.
The statue was given to the city of New York by the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina, as a reciprocation of a statue of Washington. Impellitteri cites the statue of Simon Bolivar as a sign of inter-American friendship.
Impellitteri thanks Moses and the parks department for their work with the statue. he thanks the other attendees of the event, including the two ambassadors of South America.
Harry Wiley Corbett, president of the Avenue of Americas Association, speaks about the symbol of good-neighborliness that is the Avenue of Americas and the San Martin statue. His speech continues in this vein. There is only one "ism," "Americaism."
Moses introduces Chilean ambassador Félix Nieto del Río. He discusses the link he has to Chilean history and his innumerable talents as a leader and hero. He talks about San Martin's exile from his home later in life. He talks about the honor of the statue. The honor has continued from 1814 to the present day and onward. He talks about San Martin's battles for Chile in 1817, done for Chilean independence, including the victory and Maipo. He ties the work of San Martin and Bolivar to the meaning of America. He talks about the link and friendship between Bernardo O'Higgins and San Martin [applause].
Peruvian ambassador Fernando Berckemeyer speaks next. He feels it is fitting that New York is honoring San Martin. Berckemeyer goes through San Martin's dedication to his country's freedom, his lack of concern for his personal welfare. He talks about the early history of his country and San Martin's ties to it. He talks about San Martin's life further.
Cardinal Spellman blesses the statue and the wreaths from the ambassadors and assistant secretary of state [Edward] Miller are lain at the base of the statue.
A WNYC announcer describes the action, including the military uniforms from the 4 nations and floral arrangements, bemoaning his lack of eloquence. He describes San Martin's story in brief before returning to describing the action. All parties were being photographed.
WNYC talks about future peoples returning to and reliving the events of the day. He waxes poetic about the ability for New Yorkers to relish the past.
Audio courtesy of the NYC Municipal Archives WNYC Collection
WNYC archives id: 150404
Municipal archives id: LT2207
This is a machine-generated transcript. Text is unformatted and may contain errors.
Radios microphones and I located at the old Sixth Avenue now the great avenue of the Americas and fifty ninth Street just inside the wall of Central Park and the occasion is the unveiling of the statue to the Great South American hero Sam Martin the deliverer of Argentina Chile and Peru a very distinguished company has turned out this attachment of sailors from a South American battleship I believe Peruvian and all our own American traditions are established here by the. Follow the corps of the Artillery Corps which carries a charter from the state of New York and has been in existence since seventeen ninety and has carried through the tradition all these years they wear the uniform the dress uniform of the army United States army of eighteen twelve and they beautifully dressed in the plaza here at the park at fifty ninth Street and the Avenue of the Americas the now the city of New York the honorable mention out in public Terry has just been escorted to the stand by Commissioner Moses with Cardinal Spellman and now the flags of the United Nations are taking their place in a beautiful display of color on this equally beautiful sunshiny day in May. We're just waiting now for a few preliminaries before we turn the microphone over to our distinguished citizen our great citizen Robert Moses who will act as chairman and present a regular whole program as soon as all civility is are covered because a little time is being taken at this time for introductions the place is a blaze with fine uniforms all of us South American countries I say foreign uniforms I mean not American but from the South American republics the band of the fire department has been entertaining and now we have the privilege of presenting a distinguished citizen Robert Moses. A ceremony as well began with the playing of the national anthems to the United States of America. Chile and Peru. Before. The boom boom boom boom boom boom. Boom boom boom boom. Boom. Boom. The honorable man Robert Moses who will preside and present a regular on the program at the unveiling of the statue of the South American hero Some argue that the Avenue of the Americas in fifty nine street inside Central Park Commission of Moses. Is evidence Francis Cardinal Spellman a. Lot God of nations. In this hour of trial and casting minutes great fears and great sorrows minds and hearts turn to the Help us we beg the seeking for wisdom praying for peace. Making known by large ship to all nations Bandow their wills in service to the teach them the dignity becoming two nations and sealed with by sanctity their bottoms and laws lot got of nations blessed by America as Grant we may walk in the ways of thy will still strong within us a passion for freedom a passion for justice and a compassionate spirit to comfort with mercies all peoples in need law of God of nations we pray to bless our countries with the light of my life and grant to the whole family of nations the blessing of enduring peace gathered here today from out many corners about great and kindred nations we pay our tribute of Honor to General Osei de San Martin as we rededicate here in the plaza I think head of the Avenue of the Americas the statue of this valiant patriot and liberator of Argentina Chile and Peru. Courageous soldier and statesman fighting a spielers leave for peace as he fought bravely and was gentle sunlight can dedicated himself to them towering devotion to the cause of liberty and democracy. Demonstrating the true nobility of his person not by his high station of breath but by a sympathetic understanding and multiple messy deeds for the poor the lonely and oppressed. A chaotic greedy godless world has need of men like San Mateo and strong faithful fearless selfless as in this dreaded faithful our midst growing fears and sounds of war are crafty cruel balls of peace seek to break even the bonds of broad blood brothers into our Americas North and South that our God has breathed a spirit of brotherhood to fall edge with hot in here and hand the bonds of unity and ties of amity for our mutual help in mutual hope and faith San my pen revered this spirit for he loved his country last only that he loved his God And as you liberated his country so too he got it God's Spirit within his nation spirit of liberty all the quality fraternity freedom justice and mercy in memory of general san my ten and all who gravely died and those who know no less know we live to bring freedom to that country and that country men very simply we pray the God of nations to guide us in the path of duty and the way of justice give us light to walk in the light and the ways of the I will. Be a lamp to our feet then Doc the steeple but Doppler So it was the darkness of heart rates that's the doctor's of treachery and of despair B.S. Dr Ross I'm on the star shining in our hearts the pledge of buy peace by enduring peace a lot of nations for the sake of the love now hatched for our nations for the sake of the glory now sickest from nations preside in our midst when hot speaks too hot in friendliest Union. Just by truth about a lot od God and we are by peoples in dignity God like in Duty to God like in Destiny God light I bide with us so God beyond life in our light Dial who are the laws of all amen. We now call upon his acts and play senior doctor around and all right Marino on bass and vodka and chain are to the United States to present and on Vale a statue I give it. To you I got it as you have your. Name and get it in my car already. You have a present that they know what is out of my left arm but then you would ask him to and he said Your son they have the statue as the court and is nominated as and he was voted out and into their White House everybody is standing at salute now and in the testimony yesterday that by the event of a lot of it I was on my feet I see that the New York. Well if you have most I like what the other way but up whatever. It is Seymour No they don't have no place in the ME and no they're not and if you have it they momento replica other came across you know what it can be no you don't go for the mother feet the while the right way to go I think of him but he saw no say BT to life he would have been like you know it away I see no way I see no point no see you know on my website any particular. I gotcha. But on local more sympathetic google my lines out ascended I mean because your name who do you see a house young that's at Eagle eye view so I'm going to do something and be she runs yakking away but I've been shown so you know cool thought the idea that they not only they don't wait till they don't get saw part of their job but up your in a lot of any that are No it ain't that unless you're not feeding their Ekiti without Reagan I got the time better that would I never don't say no more now when I can come who would know this to be broadcasting my crude hour this was even better than she wanted to but it does go to ask you this is us yet opposing all that or not and they know Sally Gunnell own book on as I read them on the net allowed you but I'll say it. Again I gave it all the sick and rather not say that those who need all the I made. No apology I'm already we don't make quota for my life bosses he better not get your I don't I'll shoot there's a law can be yes they made it on T.V. to hear I'm being get a most I see that indeed or not I lost but the OP doesn't lexing don't get more do you don't defend the end all of the agency not you're not as every read Saturday but as you will got a laugh in D.C. at. Knowing Gunther young most in a phone though than with what I saw on his win or may not be my scene sit on my last bite anything like that and then see other Thank goodness you're on here but OK I don't get over you have no cease to pollinators so do I mind and then I will doom this will go out of novels again three out unless I what I see here this on my to get going so I could also be that they're friendly and do I set me up but he C.P.O.. Thank God I will know this is sexy or nice young guy I want us to buy I would just I don't buy a lot of good rowing good and they see I competent veteran told us all men need to get their dream of color gotta leave at a time and the best bet do you either like go to the shit unbeknown get good will so you know you're going to hear the island I don't buy Saudi So they are you dust but I say what I like dependency others who buy three out yet and live off where most of the miners so I am off getting but also what does just seem put up boss he does they come down but I don't see young black balled up out of a job better so now you get caught no quality I'm fully cooperating see mother didn't get it but I think we're not going to choke on telly let you do it on time but he left your one time last I was on the case was not beat us your history stuck to the feast Your she was such for the sauce B.B. How many did not come on your own one seen Sidonie they are democratic or J. or I don't know but I me wrong on the side get on go she was a teacher not to Alys I feel mine those who got on. The they will be and don't know I think need out this with dinos I can sort it out I see doc but he she feel super a most difficult D.C.I. you money got be so good I know they had also brought home be it on got there nice but I've gone to Real nice your names ya don't put in here in your fantasy that a. Just saw you this one I miss only two men boxy than tiled enough for D.C. I swear I like a lot of your side for a D.I.Y. C.M. but it put it up on a side issue album I was on my ass so you know I've got a very significant that dark black unknown but I did I want to see by the other one outside ace in three one as you have the New York Waterway to make that image here. Is the Al Gore mass graves don't import dance you have to listen then. Not significant young get D.N.A. from or see below the other money our young is not in threat but I am not going to say to others who need or see other Cantina you need not go on and dial one pillow by you says I Maybe God knows when he got the the Odyssey but he had C.P.R. but I think I was unlucky that you've got a cut on us by like a noisy deer on freedom data buddy you got what I saw it done the Washington but nobody won all hearings you know I'll go to you I think they might have seen it done for so trust not something sort of put all citizen is. Going senile I haven't really found data body think just so you know that but then it's an island be doing pretty well here with our feet go get a volume photo I look at oh. Well you know next deal it'll be sixty on defeating she hasn't been with us they don't she and I The sun was over they ducked outside very I'm OK shut the inning Shorty him in Encino come pick out I will know Quito this Independencia. If they said oh no write it down then wait I saw it on E. on it take it out all part of that don't see it as young but a phone died but I saw it any other lost a mass to look at when I meant they mark it out to God What do you see people say when I say I do the I Do your job boss even a LOT of any such younger Not unless you want to see that and I see on our list they don't say die those so what I said next time and think we've got this out or John going to tell us how to beat out east then throw the same article that I thought I see people call your mood like competency on I but in most other wounded I'm partial part of the night in reality guy these last way and you'll see a lot here read off you know what else it is and then Muncie Plus you and I maybe God although it oh yeah you got my Sydney feet got let that black get bum going with put up all that yeah good like that but that's your night they said if it is. It will kindly dirty come in yeah you got a thought on it like that affect us young there D.C.I. you money got in K.C. be tellin when your going to it all so that I want to jump buddy Dick we shall see I'll but I think probably I don't want to get under thirty that got to be here I love it you know of any particular. Get it out they don't. Like it do you know for a crowd when I was younger on the ferries going got to night I get a little bit dirty also there sodomite of theme I carry your kind blunt to cleanse you you see my love for talk conduct by law but it has to be you know son Mark these forgot about it up in the valley you know what I saw on you know depends how the and so that I was I can be no. Idea what they said yet I've got a. Young boy you know the New York. Unknown but I didn't intend then they go by blow the last few out there were no salubrious. As I said if you're going to be seeing growth in my job I knew about a side you're going wait three months you passed your own by now without it there are no men by this even though I thought I meant this and he don't bother Cabaye Dago part of him not some young fellow Luisita OK now we got one I got us on there with that actually I'd. Just say. Yes you have a hard lesson about it being company fed and they don't have any doubt any of it I said maybe got it but it kept on B.M.J. Rice and I thought I saw on last me more see the article P.C.I.-E. better yes it is that God on the Nuffield out there get on copy God. Bless her the words of his excellence leave the ambassador from Argentina and everything is now set for the unveiling of the statue of Sam out in at the head of the Avenue of the Americas right inside the wall of Central Park. Now the ropes are being pulled in just a few moments and they're told the cloth is now on the statue is thoroughly exposed in the beautiful May sun sign of New York City in the distinguished company which has assembled to do honor to this hero of South America who liberated Argentina Chile and Peru. The animal Robert Moses our chairman. There in public Terry. Your Eminence. Your excellent ses the ambassadors to the United States bhajan Teena Chile and Peru. Honorable the system secretary of state for enter American affairs. Mr President but the avenues of the Americas Association. Chairman distinguished guests ladies and gentlemen these ceremonies today in honor of our great South American soldier and statesman are another significant milestone in their American friendship and solidarity. This event is a significant one for our city on nation and for all of the Americas and whether some members in the tides of humanity and I'm the stand that bind us in our common purpose and ideals. We are met here this afternoon in the flags a sign mocking at the head of the Avenue of Americas and the young prince to walk beautiful central pot to dedicate and unveil the noble equestrian statue of one of America's. Brightest sons. Gen Jose the son mopping and his long fight in the cause of in the payments for Argentina Chile and Peru has often been compared to our own George Washington for his seal and devotion to the freedom and independence of his South American term paper yet. His vigorous struggle for the emancipation of his people from the yoke of born out press and deservedly has earned for him the name job Argentina's liberal writer night of the M D's and protector of her road the San Martin statue was presented to the city of New York by the city of bonus diaries Argentina as a generous just pure apprenticeship receptor creating a gift made several years ago of a statue of of George Washington by the people of North America to the city upon his diary. Five weeks ago we were here to dedicate the statue of another Great South American liberal writer Amazon list advocate of freedom Cmon Boley bought and thus they ave of America's has truly become the goodwill problem and I have two comments in addition to being a great business daughter Obama top. At this point I should like to pay tribute to the Avenue of the Americas Association bar its leadership in unfolding and promoting all sects they have used as a focal point of eminence far into our American crunchier. For our own eight million people and the millions of visitors who come to our study annually. Aisleyne just don't happen overnight. Takes a great deal of courage a great deal of foresight a great deal of planning and our great deal of in this year did they get them through to fruition first point I should like to express appreciation to why distinguished master of ceremonies great planner and builder and the city's construction coordinator Commissioner Robert most. Thanks and the same time to the New York City Park the papa and for executing the design and the construction of this very beautiful blast. Your excellence right I'm faster than I had a run of all remedy you know of Argentina may I expressed through you for your people our city sincere appreciation of this very real contribution to enter our American goodwill. Please convey to the people of your country the hot belt friendship we have for that the statue of sun ma team will ever be for us a reminder that liberty and freedom must be cherished them all because they were won only through great struggle and tremendous sacrifice. I extend our city's warmest greeting to why are other the sting which visited their excellent sees ambassador Felix nyet call Del Rio up Killie and embassador prime number broken Myra Peru the representative of our own state the pop the honorable Edward J. Miller Jr assistant secretary for interim Merican affairs and all the other official delegates and representatives who are here from the republics of South America. It is now my very happy present as chief executive of Ah said the. Accept on behalf of up people they spew the full statue of General Jose the sun mocking symbolic gift to us from our good friends and Bono's our THANK YOU THANK YOU. I'll give you Mr Harding while a call but President of the Avenue of the Americas Association calling. On the. Right since I can see. They didn't gentleman. Today marks another in a series of auspicious occasion in the field of intermarriage in relations since it pays honor and tribute to another of our great American liberators you know and have heard much about the life of General until say the Sammartino which was devoted to the freedom of our southern neighbors from the rule of tyranny. I should therefore like to direct my own remarks to the symbol of freedom and unity which this occasion mocks the good neighbor policy has long been a subject of our Tory in these United States some years ago a few of us here in this city decided that something specific should be done by way of creating a concrete symbol of that good neighborhood on this in one thousand nine hundred forty five the administration of the city of New York changed the name of the great central thoroughfare this statue is facing and in October of that year the late president while on one Tony all Riaz of chili. Formally dedicated the new name of the Avenue of the Americas. The idea behind it as we all know has the full support and sympathy of all of us our neighbors to the south of Likewise embrace this symbol. And the fact that this beautiful statue has been on veiled here today is further proof of that fact. As you know this is the second such occasion the statue another great American liberate or seem all believe are having been dedicated here only a short month ago stock tools like words however beautiful though they may be are merely symbols they represent the tribute to the idea switch motivated the man they portray Sam Martine wall of our and our own George Washington appear in many places throughout this hemisphere and I looked up on by all of our Americas as there of good tidings that here liberty freedom friendship and understanding are. So with the Avenue of the Americas which I have the honor to represent it is dedicated to the concept that here the Americans of all the Americas made to meet in quality. There is only one ism American as. We have dedicated the avenue to that cause our sister republics have accepted and recognized that dedication and are amplifying it by dedications of their own such as are represented here today. The city of New York has likewise dedicated itself to the further and so that cause by supporting the development of this I have a know. So that it will come fully a prominent ahd to prominence as it has been aptly been termed by our mayor a prominent ob where under the watchful blessing of all of our American liberators all Americans will meet in friendship and in brotherly love. We have great plans for this avenue for new buildings for new lighting and for other projects which will make it worthy of the proud name that it now bears our city administration has shown itself willing and anxious to cooperate in the development of these plans when they are carried through you will see here the center of trade and of culture for all the Americans one thing is certain you will always see here the living symbol of the unity and the freedom of the Americas I want to extend the thanks of all of us to the Avenue of the American Association for the gift of this beautiful statue which now helps to carry the theme through which we have dedicated ourselves also I want to thank. Our commissioner of parks Robert Moses. When the mayor spoke to you about the such feeling and we are more than happy to second and to the mayor and his city administration for the great help they have been in this development thank you thank you. And I'll call upon His Excellency saying you're unfair likes Nieto Del Rio ambassador of Chile for the United States. Thank. You mayor. That. Was. Me suggests he's the second the daddy. Of. My life and I'm never going to try one last lesson John. Did it Bob Ehrlich of show their respects I'm venerates the memory of general or said this on my opinion. I swore not to funders of her independence. He has his own plays in our history. And Usenet a few recording Charley with thousand of them of pressure off I'm writing I mean. We admire his civic. Judgement. I believe yes one of the nicer. Is merely thought it but I didn't say. And be but all American is a concept with which this island leader was and out. We are in my oh so the heroic simplicity with which he left his country and suffer if need then no self exile the. Last day of his life. Without even pretending to convert a king's child from a rock on. When tyranny and the start up but are predominant in the United province as of being already. Knew how to be great if you wore. A. Green peas and got a new used glorious sorry. Bud Grant that the magnificent. Prefer an austere caracter. Which in men call up or. Power out the study of people. The force of arms I'm part of that. Fundamental element. And in. Aim of my country. I bring this home edge to lay out their fate of this patch of general sun marking just today I'm buried in New York. Land of George Washington. Rant but here is cycles or no part of the South American hero he noted that the people of the United States but of course are all of the liberal he never married can. Never remember him. He was but always figured faces died of believe. In more times saw the holding firm named with his epic did I for the continent in one year are here with but they are good for our I mean could it ever sacrifice. Their lives to General son nothing. Your son is and then even thought up the national I keep to do. Charts and you're seen sick eight things fourteen to delist day and will continue here are costly centuries. Children army. If it did more because of the entire new standard standing than the founders. Of Blyton that year off eighteen fourteen. By the way the pain for the road and this woman dos are. The worst in command of General better than out of all the. Lawyers founded on the children nation. Their son and I feel and I know he. Extracting resources from missionary Friday new games every kind of obstacle. Mission with we organized the army which in fair would only eighteen seventeen commanded by his son Mark he. Could also be on the US to seek out the enemy forces. And not the blind touch oh he's almost sure I damned at the first encounter on the field of trackable. So I'm not keen on not heeding that same day enter the capital of the country the garment Although which didn't. Refuse to put aside worst then found. An old mistress where taking the bus said to the difficulty needed Carrick campaign darkness south of Chile. The bit that is under various. So I'm not being gay in India going to convert the final battle of my ball and dice and that from Chile Yes but not for independence. But while they'd been insular Paul was dominating. Its independence my people to be your family. Is have been foreseen by both generous in the secret consultations and. You for beginning the Chilean campaign. There did to me of my ball. Game the moment to organize the expedition part of the liberation of that all. Out of new sacrifice that I was committed to under the Chilean flag in navy and free of absolutely Arctic transports in which the expedition set forth a lot of talk on. The north the evening Sylar in Chile unserious watching commander of the free and son Martin appointed by O'Higgins command of the Army. A lot of content scripted by see if you caution clear of every enemy vessel from Chile to Mexico and son Martin after various military operations enter in mind I'm going to claim the independence of that to consolidate to later on by the armies of Colombia commanded by believe other and super. And that gentleman is how they lose just names of barley by son Martin I know he. Well jawing in the history of America. To carry out the magnificent nuclear war of those long wars of liberation in which then so thousands of patriots died in it which to have then means they're women again right they're yours and includes each country but your to the maximum of history czars. That splendid even more the core of the army of Chile your son might have been. It would be necessary for me to talk here but I think caring every day and by that are so many iterations that justify it. But I must not permit the mention of an impressive fact but only by hundreds of documents so I'm not you know here in both Boston processing similar got out. And I mean make it by the same spirit. Form of the friendship of infinite confidence and reality fiction. And friendship they never had abandoned not even the difficult times of a political nature. There was always between the two heroes that affect reciprocal military and see who would understand. Sad friendship that assists in children and I was in the yards. I saw a symbol we wish to maintain in the spirit of all the principle suffer liberty for which you get eight thousand Kenyan and they get a Chilean thought. Thank you. And now ours excellencies and you are done for now go back a mile and Basset there of Peru to the United States thank. You I mean if. You don't know. Better than. That in the end. It is for me. That but it looks to be here on this soon difficult day representing my country in this great city. That has seen Feet Under homage to somebody. Who stood for divide his principles of liberty in which the foundations of this nation are based I suppose since Sigel talk in defense. Of the defense but which New York is a living and dynamic symbol. It is fitting the New York represented in this important values which is drawn up and by descent of man in the sauna to. The memory of somebody in the stuff so mightily to gain successfully this very objectives. Some other thing. In his life. Wasn't a sectional example of self-sacrifice and civil those. Even as a young man he prepared himself for a life of struggle on by the age of twenty six he was already a lieutenant. In the Spanish arms. Which was a recall of brilliant victories. Who returned to work and dinner the timing to join the struggle for his country's independence. And out of the country from that moment on his indicators all the surface. And his life to this ideal. She fought for ten thousand years from the cost of East and South America to this no black tide so the Western lands. Using Dr. Never making sound position. Executing that culture to come and see black people assisting people through your position without ever considering his personal welfare. And in fact subordinated all of his ideals but never losing touch with reality. He looked astonished when the face of a convenor over the enormous height of the understood to tell young son to let. You know him by can say that I because clearly but it didn't. Work from our capital then after they leave he proclaimed in the band with an icon. In the short time that somebody in government but whom. You do he has never flagging energy he accomplished at tremendous amount. To Him we all are for life. Our national and. Just out of out of government service and a minister to see the. Start of our Army and Navy I walked our schools I went to the light of our first Congress and a number of steps to consolidate our nation does being just beginning to seem to the sponsibility this possibility and the soul that his duty is to his people of all his personal vision and sense of civic responsibility what a magnificent some of. These men across the Understood over comment is enormous natural advantage. Because of so many about the founder of nations untied in the newspaper knew him when he got the retired to a life of study to it in order that he was he got the start of my father's last show on the humility and judgment of the duty great. To Him we all the liberation of Argentina Chile and Peru. I was with Washington forty but I know he can see we've got to appreciate increasingly You not only do it all that works as we look back through history and realize the debt that we in the Americas although to my mind this is a particularly opportune moment to honor a man who in his time represented to struggle for liberty but today is menaced by the dark as predation of ruthless didn't I would just listen to you not for many others you will find two good neighbors you know a lot of countries who are somewhat in these always believe in the almighty liberty and the people you just passed with a great the satisfaction might be gone and I want to add here today. To the south we can do a great man. But he told someone a thing about that but a little and. After a blessing of a statue by Cardinal Spellman reef place I am basters of Argentina Chile and Peru and by Assistant Secretary of State Miller on behalf of the United States of America. Sting reste company here at the base of the statue of the South American hero Sam Upton which addresses the arrangements here at the head of the Avenue of the Americas at fifty one three balancing now with the recently unveiled statue a bowl of our presents indeed a beautiful scene. I might pay tribute again at this time to the veterans Artillery Corps and the splendor of their dress uniforms which are designed on the basis of the dress uniforms of the United States Army of the eighteen twelve and in modified deformed to some extent are the same uniforms that are worn by the West Point cadets who made such a magnificent showing on Fifth Avenue last week. The granite is the Argentine granite is almost matching up the period of Napoleon stime since the eight hundred twelve uniforms were copied from the podium and say Here in France as well. Certainly it puts a very distinguished touch of color and of formality to this case here today coupled with the magnificent flowers that are so beautifully colored in the recent ought to be presented are laid should I say at the statue of Sam our time here at the fifty ninth street sign my time was born in one thousand seventy eight seventeen seventy eight at a time when the minds of men and boys seeking for the liberty and freedom of the mind itself to express itself. And he lived until eighteen fifty years dead just one hundred one years now these beautiful reasons of being a place for us by the men of the city of New York the ambassadors from Argentine Chile and Peru. Delegations from the navies of I T I've been team Chile and Peru and drawn up in the drive here in Central Park and the panorama here to the background of magnificent buildings which represent the architectural spenders of Central Park South certainly creates a picture second to none in achievement and in honor to this great hero of South America. And now the reason of taking their place the park the pipe and erected a very beautiful stand here with the palms and flowers and the entire scene is indeed a most beautiful one where every item of protocol is fully regarded and carried out with the deepest respect in order that the city of New York may fully express through its mayor and the distinguished company assembled here its appreciation of the Great South American hero was honored in this beautiful statue on the plaza here at the fifty ninth Street in the Avenue of the Americas and not the camera man those indomitable men who see that we get a record of these events I grouping the ambassadors with the man on Cardinal Spellman to a background of flowers and the veterans' Artillery Corps and the granite tears from Argentina and it is indeed a very beautiful site the granite bears and the veterans are to recall are in these beautiful uniforms are lined up in a dead straight line and against this background of flowers the statue itself rises to the heavens and the mayor and the ambassadors and the undersecretary of state Mr Miller are being photographed at this time with his Eminence Cardinal Spellman. A very large crowd naturally has turned out on this beautiful day in May to take in this exquisite scene. One that is inspiring indeed. The tall buildings that form the. We might say the barrier on the south side of fifty ninth Street where the old on a silence to tilt the old bar or apartments and many other of historic buildings that we associate with the older days and now fully peopled with the tenants of these buildings as though they were occupying boxes at some opera house or theater and all in all we certainly have a most interesting picture here it's regrettable that I cannot be as vivid as the television might be in the bringing you the portions and the beauty of the picture itself but I'll do the best I can with words the color itself of the flowers I have mentioned before we know that flowers are beautiful but the selection of the colors today are so exquisitely blended all the various ranges of yellow blue pinks and reds if the green and palms of the park department and the decorations which have been placed here make it look indeed like a garden itself and again we refer back to those uniforms with the golden apple that's the helmets the cockades all the other various A proton says of a dress uniform certainly create a scenic investiture that is quite inspiring. The photographs are still going on and off a target for is are dead sure this is an international occasion and the photographic group is represented by all the nations of South America and our own American photographers as well to capture the scene for all time so that we may refer back and actually through the pictures relive the scene years hence when we might be very anxious and be to know just what happened here today in this beautiful and inspiring scene. For the benefit of those who may have tuned in late May we say that the mayor of the city of New York was host of the ambassadors from Argentina Chile and Peru as well as the undersecretary of state Mr Miller and a distinguished company from the various military organizations of South America and our own Army Navy and Marines to two. Now we're getting some enthusiasm pay for the Trattoria. Well it looks now as though the ceremony is concluded it's our very gracious chairman of the Robert Moses coordinator of the city of New York and its great construction plans is shaking hands and taking a few brief farewells of those who are leaving and that is about all we can bring you from my fifty ninth Street and the Avenue of the Americas known to many as the old Sixth avenue of New York City but now certainly resplendent Lee dedicated and certified as the Avenue of Americas with these two great statues that of all of our on one side some of town on the other and we still only have a magnificent source for the Avenue of the Americas we've heard the plans that are made for this avenue and we can look forward again for that most prominent quality in New York City the most prominent thing about it is change change for the better the advantage of living later and some of the things that we honor and reveal here in the dear and beloved past. That is all from fifty ninth Street on the Avenue of the Americas read return you know out of the studios This is the municipal Broadcasting System.