What Question About Race Do You Wish Someone Would Ask You?

What's something that you want others to know about living with your racial identity? What's the aspect of your racial identity that might surprise some people? Give us a call: 212-433-9692.
If you're tweeting us your "what I wish I was asked about race" question - you get to answer it too. #RadioTalksRace
— Brian Lehrer Show (@BrianLehrer) July 24, 2015
@BrianLehrer I'd like to be asked if I feel I'm getting an equal opportunity in the workplace. #RadioTalksRace
— Bobby Rivers (@BobbyRiversTV) July 24, 2015
@BrianLehrer Honestly, no I have not.
— Bobby Rivers (@BobbyRiversTV) July 24, 2015
Are Jews white? Are we off-white? How can we better understand our white privilege & be better allies? #wnyc #radiotalksrace @BrianLehrer
— Stefanie Iris Weiss (@EcoSexuality) July 24, 2015
@BrianLehrer Complicated! We have all the benefits of white privilege, but many Jews still feel like we are "passing." But our bodies...
— Stefanie Iris Weiss (@EcoSexuality) July 24, 2015
Megan, Canada: What does it feel like when the world is constructed for you? Mostly white chars in kids books sends message. #RadioTalksRace
— Brian Lehrer Show (@BrianLehrer) July 24, 2015
@BrianLehrer what are you doing as a white man to address systemic inequalities.
— Joshua David Stein (@fakejoshstein) July 24, 2015
.@BrianLehrer @fakejoshstein Here's my answer. pic.twitter.com/8dYQxzALpG
— Jonathan Langdale (@jlangdale) July 24, 2015
What is it like being a white male, related to many cops, who wants police reform? #RadioTalksRace @BrianLehrer
— Patrick Kennedy (@Pattkennedyy) July 24, 2015
@BrianLehrer frustrating. Everyone including police officers should be able to look at every incident of brutality and feel sick from it.
— Patrick Kennedy (@Pattkennedyy) July 24, 2015
@BrianLehrer there shouldn't be two sides of this equation - police vs. black ppl, but rather a combined effort to improve relations
— Patrick Kennedy (@Pattkennedyy) July 24, 2015
Patricia, Fanwood: "How does it feel to walk around in brown skin?" It’s great! People can’t guess my age, looks great with colors I wear.
— Brian Lehrer Show (@BrianLehrer) July 24, 2015
@BrianLehrer my question: Why do Native Americans and First People always get left out of these (and most other) conversations?
— Robynn McCarthy (@Swoopy) July 24, 2015