Share A Memory About Someone Who Died From COVID-19

Here at WNYC, we're collecting your memories and stories about the people in your life who have died from COVID-19.

If you've lost a loved one, or a friend or acquaintance, what's something about that person that you'll never forget? What did they like to do in their free time? What made them laugh? What's something that will always remind you of them? Tell us a specific story or memory about the person you've lost. 

Record a voice memo on your smartphone using any voice or sound recorder app, and send it to (Please try to keep it under two minutes in length.) Or, if you'd like, you can write out your memory or story in an email, and send it there as well.

Please include the name of the person who died, as well as your name and where you live. We might use your audio in our broadcasts, and we'll be in touch if we have any followup questions.