Inspired by vintage doodle books, our challenge gives you a fragment of a drawing to complete any way you’d like. Alison Bechdel, the noted cartoonist and winner of the MacArthur Fellowship (a.k.a. the genius grant), provided this doodle as a starting point; the rest is up to you.
UPDATE 11/22: Carolita Johnson is the winner of our challenge!
See the winning submission and the runners up. Thanks to everyone who shared their work with us!
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Queens, NYC

There's some work that needs to be done...

It was 11:15 in a strangers home when I decided to submit, just in time.... except there was only an orange sharpie and a ball point pen in this person's house.
Queens, NYC

Maybe she looks older than she is, or this is the future, or... who knows?

"Doodle Terror Pad" is collage from a couple different sketch pads I've been carrying around
Charis Conn

Like the Fall of Man, the ejection from the Garden of Eden, this is the new Fall. It's title might be:
presents Fall2®
Available Everywhere!
In other words, because we have been taught to BUY, BUY, BUY, and distract ourselves with nonsense, we are losing our identities, ourselves, our lives, giving in to the new snake, the CEO descendants of that first tempter.
New York

Making The Squad, or, Rebel Without A Cause (Or Maybe He Just Hasn't Decided On a Cause Yet, Jeez)
Sleepy Hollow, NY

Bugs and plants are a common theme in my doodles
Queens, NYC

All I have to do is move into the image, and it begins to create itself... I find the woman looking into a pool, seeing her reflection... but EEEK! She's aged. Or... maybe she's older than she thinks? Hmmm... I don't have a clue
Sleepy Hollow, NY

Zut alors, the little prince is pretty surprised to see this lady hanging off his planet
Queens, NYC

Actually, the name is "Rescue" and not much to say... I think (hope) it speaks for itself : )

This drawing represent the genesis of a super hero. She has yet to gain her powers, but this moment of being utterly powerless will shape every one of her actions afterward.
Billerica MA

Just a spoof on going to the extreme to be a perfect parent.
Miguel Centeno

The woman is so afraid, and I couldn't stop thinking of images of what she was falling into that could be so scary. But after doing that for a while it got boring, and I thought "What if she's riding that thing that scares her? because there's really nothing to be afraid of"and that's where the creature came along. To remind her.
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