Alec Hamilton

Senior Producer, WNYC News

Alec Hamilton appears in the following:

Watch: Weiner Cops to Lewd Twitter Photos, Breitbart Crashes Stage

Monday, June 06, 2011

In one of the more head-scratching resolutions to a political sex scandal in recent memory, Anthony Weiner today admitted that he did in fact send lewd photos of himself to women he'd met on the internet.

In an emotional and bizzare press conference at the midtown Sheraton this afternoon, Anthony Weiner admitted that he had contact through social media with several women from around the country. He reiterated several times that he had never met any of these women in person, but that his actions constitute "a personal failing" that will no doubt cast his political future into question.


Weiner Admits He Sent Twitter Photos

Monday, June 06, 2011

Rep. Anthony Weiner confessed Monday that he was the one responsible for sending a lewd photo of himself to a college student on Twitter but stopped short of resigning from his post a week after first drawing fire for the image.

The website posted several pictures that appear to be New York Congressman Anthony Weiner getting intimate and topless on a webcam, and has published a series of "sext" messages they claim were sent from Weiner to a woman they identify as "middle-aged and from Nevada."

On Monday Anthony Weiner admitted that he has had "inappropriate online conversations" with about six women over the past three years - including while being married to senior Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin.


Melinda Henneberger Sets Washington's Week

Monday, June 06, 2011

In a way she’s doing exactly what she promised, because she promised that this trip around America would be to get us talking and remembering and being grateful for American history, ...

Comments [13]

Tax Cap for Rent Regs

Thursday, June 02, 2011

Rent regulation and the property tax cap is about giving people certainty that they can afford to live in their homes... people can plan based on those issues. — NYS Assembly Speaker...

Comments [10]

Anthony Weiner’s Twitter Trouble

Thursday, June 02, 2011

Politics is and has always been, not some sort of bloodless abstract pursuit, but it’s very much about the people who are in it, and this is part of that, and sex is part of that. — ...

Comments [56]

Weiner Says Lewd Photo the Work of Hacker

Monday, May 30, 2011

Let the Wiener jokes commence.


Single Payer in Vermont

Thursday, May 26, 2011

If Vermont is able to control costs better than neighboring states, then they will be a magnet for employment. People won’t mind exactly how they pay for it as long as the total cost ...

Comments [15]

Euro-Zone Economics

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

It has been described as Lehman Brothers to the power of ten, if that happens. — Marketplace reporter Stephen Beard, on The Brian Lehrer Show.

Comments [7]

Kucinich Looks Forward

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I think the American people ought to be fed up with a government that says one thing and does another. And if I do anything and add to this debate, it’s to just call it as I see it, a...

Comments [17]

What Was Behind the Oil Industry Tax Break Repeal?

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Tuesday a bill was blocked by the Senate that would have repealed about two billion dollars in tax breaks currently enjoyed by the five biggest oil companies. The majority actually voted in favor of the bill, 52-48, but because it was a procedural vote (a vote on whether to vote on the measure), it required a 60-member majority to proceed.

The voting split along predictable party lines for the most part, though three Democrats — Louisiana’s Mary Landrieu, Alaska’s Mark Begich, and Nebraska’s Ben Nelson — voted against it.  Two Republicans voted for the measure: Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins, both from Maine.

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Supreme Court Wrap-Up

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I have never in my life witnessed a starker example of judicial ideology driving results, and it leads one to wonder if we are doing something horribly wrong in this country when judg...

Comments [3]

Bloomberg Trying Out the Prez Pitch in DC?

Monday, May 16, 2011


New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg was in DC yesterday, reasserting his support for gay marriage and sounding much like someone considering an election bid.

He spoke today to nearly seven-thousand George Washington University graduates and their families and friends on the Mall in Washington DC, extolling the virtues of political independence as the key to a bipartisan-bickering-free future.  While his jokes occasionally fell flat (University President Steven Knapp has a sheep farm, "Not that I'm saying President Knapp is full of sheep!") Bloomberg mostly seemed warmly received, even as he launched into inevitable parables about 9/11 and coming together as a nation. 

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Richard Codey on New Jersey Politics

Friday, May 13, 2011

My feeling is, if you’re the governor, you lead by example, and you can disagree with people, but be a gentleman. And [Christie's] style is different, and that’s his right, no questio...

Comments [6]

PATH, Amtrak Accidents Cause Delays in City

Sunday, May 08, 2011

An empty Amtrak train derailed in a tunnel under the East River a day after a PATH train crash injured more than 30 people in New Jersey, tying up the Monday commute for thousands o...

Comments [2]

US-Pakistan - What's Next?

Friday, May 06, 2011

They believe that they have to maintain and show toughness, and this is one way that they’re seeking to do that. The removal of US military forces from Pakistan… won’t do anything wit...

Comments [10]

Do You Want the Bin Laden Photos Released?

Thursday, May 05, 2011

As an American I really want to see the image… as a Pakistani, I wouldn’t want the image up, because I feel like there will always be retaliation. — A Pakistani-American caller on Th...

Comments [74]

National Security Switch

Friday, April 29, 2011

Petraeus is not popular with the Pakistani Armed Forces and intelligence services, there’s been a lot of friction between them… My assumption is that President Obama decided that was ...

Comments [2]

T. Boone Pickens On Our Energy Future

Thursday, April 28, 2011

We’re going to go down in history as the dumbest crowd that ever came to town, if we don’t use our own resources. Our resources are cleaner, cheaper, abundant, and ours, and can you i...

Comments [74]

Opening the Fed

Thursday, April 28, 2011

[T]he fact is while he can’t make the economy suddenly feel healthy, [Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke] could do more than he is currently doing, and he should be doing more than...

Comments [7]

Dolan Gives Easter Mass at St. Patrick's as Protesters Rally for Gay Rights

Monday, April 25, 2011


Nearly 3,000 parishioners gathered at St. Patrick's Cathedral Sunday to listen to Archbishop Timothy Dolan's Easter Mass, in which the Catholic leader spoke of optimism and hope.
