#MeToo in Restaurants; Banning Books in Prisons; Trump's EPA; What's Your 'Thing?'

4 segments
The state says restricting inmates from receiving books in the mail is in effort to prevent contraband from entering prisons.

Coming up on today's show: 

  • Sierra Tishgart, senior editor for New York Magazine's food site Grub Street, talks about how some prominent men in the restaurant industry are not speaking publicly about sexual misconduct in their own restaurants and what they should be doing to help #MeToo move forward.

  • Taylor Eldridge, investigative fellow at The Marshall Project and Seth Pollack, and organizer at Books through Bars, talk about the new program in New York which is severely restricting the books available to people in certain prisons.

  • Juliet Eilperin, Washington Post senior national affairs correspondent, covering changes to the government in the Trump administration, talks about the policy changes at the EPA in the last year.

  • Tim Herrera, the Smarter Living Editor at The New York Times, discusses the benefits of looking inward to find that one trait or mindset that is holding you back from reaching your  full potential – plus listeners call in to share theirs.