Congress Debates Unemployment Benefits; Facing Isaias; Manhattan DA Investigates Trump; Teenage Parties and COVID Outbreaks

4 segments
ouse Speaker Nancy Pelosi of Calif., accompanied by Rep. Dan Kildee, D-Mich., left, and Rep. Danny Davis, D-Ill., right, speaks at a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, Friday, 7/24/20.

Coming up on today's show: 

  • Lawmakers remain at an impasse over what to include in the fifth coronavirus relief bill. Emily Cochrane, reporter in the Washington bureau of The New York Times covering Congress, talks about what's on the table, and your calls on what the end of the $600-a-week unemployment benefit means for your life.

  • Hoboken Mayor Ravinder Bhalla talks about how his city is preparing for the impact of the storm in the midst of the pandemic.

  • Andrea Bernstein, WNYC senior editor and co-host of the WNYC/Pro Publica podcast Trump, Inc. and the author of American Oligarchs: The Kushners, the Trumps, and the Marriage of Money and Power (W.W. Norton and Company, 2020), talks about a federal court filing made by the Manhattan district attorney that suggests his office is broadly investigating the president and his company, as they seek to obtain his tax returns.

  • Teenage parties have been linked to COVID-19 outbreaks in New Jersey and Connecticut. Parents of teens call in to talk about how they are talking to their teenagers about how to socialize safely with their friends (if at all), and whether they can control their kids partying habits in the age of COVID.